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1 Ethiopia - Vision Long term vision - Achieve Universal Access Plan targets by 2015 - 98.5 % of the population having access to water by 2015 - All Ethiopians.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ethiopia - Vision Long term vision - Achieve Universal Access Plan targets by 2015 - 98.5 % of the population having access to water by 2015 - All Ethiopians."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ethiopia - Vision Long term vision - Achieve Universal Access Plan targets by 2015 - 98.5 % of the population having access to water by 2015 - All Ethiopians to have access to basic sanitation by 2015 Focus for 2014-2016 - Address disparities in WASH coverage among and within regions and urban areas - Improve aid effectiveness and promote institutional reforms with particular focus on capacity development at all levels Sanitation: 67 % have access to basic sanitation (NWI) 21% have access to improved sanitation 33% practice O.D (EWMS), off-track for MDG Inequalities: 78 % of poorest quintile practices OD and 26 % have access to improved water Water: 49 % have access to improved water, on- track for MDG

2 2 Challenges Key bottlenecks - Lack of recognition of sanitation and hygiene as a subsector of WASH within the Government of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan; - Lack of dedicated government funding to promote sanitation & hygiene; - Lack of hygiene & sanitation indicators in the Health Management Information System (HMIS); - Low functionality rate of water schemes and lack of any sustainably checks for water and sanitation schemes; and - Lack of coordination among the institutions responsible. Tools used: National Level Assessment under OWNP

3 3 Progress on 2012 commitments Key achievement areas - To increase funding for all the components of Universal Access Plan: In 2013, Government finalized the OWNP. USD 1.632 billion has already been committed out of USD 2.41 billion. - To establish a national baseline on water and sanitation: WASH Inventory was completed in 2012 and results shared for all the regions. Areas of slow achievement -To achieve WASH related MDG and UAP Goals (by 2015). Ethiopia is on track to meet the water related MDG but off track to meet the sanitation related MDG Carry-over to 2014 -To achieve 82% Open defecation free Ethiopia by 2015. This is a very ambitious goal and the GoE affirms its focus on reducing 82 % defecation both in rural and urban areas by 2016

4 4 Ethiopia: 2014 Commitments Ensure that sanitation and hygiene is well resourced by clear targets and budget within the GoE’s GTP commencing in 2015 Secure financing to address the OWNP funding gap and increase the available funds from 68% to 100% of the required budget by 2015 Establish, functional coordination structures at all levels as set out under the WIF by mid- 2015 Strengthen the capacity of environmental health workers at all levels to enable 82% of communities in Ethiopia achieve ODF status by 2015 Develop and endorse the National Integrated Urban Sanitation and Hygiene Strategy by the end of 2015 Equality Finance Visibility Coordination Policy/ plans Capacity Strengthen the National WASH M&E MIS/ Health MIS through the inclusion of H & ES indicators to enable accurate tracking of progress by 2015. Monitoring E quality

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