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Story 19 Akhbar the King 03-02-2015. ADJECTIVE: Suitable or appropriate under the circumstances; right or proper. It was fitting that Cpl. Kyle Carpenter.

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Presentation on theme: "Story 19 Akhbar the King 03-02-2015. ADJECTIVE: Suitable or appropriate under the circumstances; right or proper. It was fitting that Cpl. Kyle Carpenter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Story 19 Akhbar the King 03-02-2015

2 ADJECTIVE: Suitable or appropriate under the circumstances; right or proper. It was fitting that Cpl. Kyle Carpenter received the Medal of Honor for protecting his fellow Marines by falling on an enemy grenade. Synonyms: apt, appropriate, suitable, fit, proper, right, correct, seemly Antonyms: incorrect, unfitting, unseemly, inappropriate, improper

3 NOUN: A striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance. By coincidence, both these semi-trailers were next to each other. Synonyms: accident, chance, fortuity, providence, conjuction Antonyms: difference, disconnection, division, separation, divergence

4 ADJECTIVE: Open an honest in expression; straightforward. My teacher was very frank about what she thought about talking on a phone during class. Antonyms: dishonest, indirect, insincere, unclear, vague SynonymsSynonyms: blunt, bold, direct, plain, brazen, plain

5 VERB: To express approval of; praise. The president will commend you with the Presidential Academic Fitness award if you get 85 th percentile or above on a MAPs test. Synonyms: applaud, approve, compliment, support, accredit Antonyms: blame, criticize, disapprove, reject, discourage

6 VERB: Pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands. Crying babies can be appeased with a bottle of warm milk. Synonyms: calm, lesson, mollify, placate, soothe Antonyms: aggravate, agitate, irritate, provoke, upset, annoy

7 ADJECTIVE: Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment. The baby was indignant about having his picture taken. Synonyms: resentful, displeased, cross, angry, mad, annoyed, offended, irritated Antonyms: calm, cheerful, happy, pleased

8 ADJECTIVE: Contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous. This aircraft may look preposterous, but it is designed to carry large objects. Synonyms: absurd, crazy, fantastic, impossible, unbelievable Antonyms: logical, practical, realistic, serious, sane, sensible

9 NOUN: A. device for making an impression in wax, clay, paper. The original purpose was to authenticate a document Byzantine emperors would use their royal seal to authenticate a document.. Synonyms: Signet ring, stamp Antonyms: ??? "Lacre-JP-VII" by JP7 - Cortesía de la familia Fonseca Padilla.. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

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