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Literature review subject area approach method findings/arguments Identify: -key references (vs marginal/trivial) -academic sources (vs media) -the trap.

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Presentation on theme: "Literature review subject area approach method findings/arguments Identify: -key references (vs marginal/trivial) -academic sources (vs media) -the trap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literature review subject area approach method findings/arguments Identify: -key references (vs marginal/trivial) -academic sources (vs media) -the trap of internet research Style = difference between narration and analysis = enumeration of sources and synthesis ACADEMIC SEARCH ENGINES


3 Writing Guidelines by G. ORWELL (i) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. (ii) Never us a long word where a short one will do. (iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. (iv) Never use the passive where you can use the active. (v) Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. (vi) Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.

4 Writing guidelines 2 !!!!NO-NOs!!!! Descriptive heavy syntax / passive voice !! Too many words not enough ideas!! overjustification generalization /vague – democracy is good – people want freedom – media holds truth to power Unidimensional and definitive verdicts (obvious, clear) monolitical view of state and state actions descriptive verbs pretentious vocabulary Repetitive – Ideas / vocabulary YES.... PLEASE !!! Analytical synthesis argumentative analytical verbs diverse / non colloquial active voice coordinate tenses nuance relative conceptualize substance (link analysis to relevant concepts; use significant concepts in analysis – shows depth and ability to think politically)

5 Heavy syntax – too many words.... Bearing in mind the revealed inconsistency between the announced principle values and the eventual behaviour of Greenpeace, one is to conclude that the behaviorist approach provides a useful toolkit not only to detect such discrepancies but also to investigate into their causes. Although some might claim that the examined examples could be regarded more as the exceptions and not the rule, still their presence signifies the disparity between alleged ideology and practical actions.

6 Same thing... tighter While a behaviorist approach reveals inconsistency between self proclaimed values and practice, this inconsistency can be interpreted as the exception rather than the rule. In this particular case (nn. Greenpeace), the disparity between the alleged ideology and practical actions is due to......

7 Sample - overjustification It is certainly relevant to examine what possible variables determine the behaviour of ETA at points in time. My argument is that when looking for behaviorist patterns one should not only consider external factors but also look for consistency between internal ideas and actions and the mean to achieve goals.

8 Argumentative version At different moments in time and under different circumstances, ETA’s choice of actions was influenced by different variables/factors/determinants. I/my analysis examines the inconsistency and consistency between ETA’s self-declared ideology and its choice of actions by focussing upon two particular moments (ex....). I argue that ETA’s decision making is determined by.....

9 A1: writing a review place the work within the author’s record (depending on case) summarize what the piece is about (including approach, argument and structure) identify contributions This is not a high school summary of a work – CONCEPTUALIZE (what concepts are relevant; what new concepts are introduced; are they well defined; how to they relate with concepts in the field) address weaknesses (raised criticisms) final verdict (balance weaknesses against contributions)

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