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Diction A particular word choice to convey effect and meaning and to communicate ideas, impressions, emotions to the reader.

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Presentation on theme: "Diction A particular word choice to convey effect and meaning and to communicate ideas, impressions, emotions to the reader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diction A particular word choice to convey effect and meaning and to communicate ideas, impressions, emotions to the reader.

2 High or Formal Elevated tone Free of slang, idioms, colloquialisms, and contractions Polysyllabic words Sophisticated syntax Elegant word choice

3 Neutral Standard language and vocabulary May include contractions

4 Informal Relaxed and conversational tone Simple words, idioms, slang, jargon, and contractions

5 slang Recently coined words Informal

6 Colloquial expressions Regional Informal or conversational speech

7 jargon Particular to a trade, profession, or pursuit

8 Dialect Regional Reveal a person’s economic or social class

9 concrete Describe physical qualities

10 abstract Denotes ideas, emotions, conditions, or concepts that are intangible

11 denotation Literal definition of a word

12 connotation Implicit meaning Suggestions, associations, and emotional overtones

13 LEAD L ow or informal diction (dialect, slang, jargon) E levated language or formal diction A bstract and concrete diction D enotation and connotation

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