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Keeping ourselves safe on the WWW.. What were we learning about last lesson?

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping ourselves safe on the WWW.. What were we learning about last lesson?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping ourselves safe on the WWW.

2 What were we learning about last lesson?

3 WALT: Understand how we can keep ourselves and our friends safe when using the www. KC Focus: Thinking

4 Suicide link in cyber-bullying Government acts on cyber-bullying Call for new cyber bullying law after teen's death Schools demand powers to search cyber-bullies Government to crackdown on cyber bullies

5 Cyber Bullying  Who is a member of a social networking or blog site?  What types of things might you see on these sites, that could be seen as bullying?  What should you do about bullying of any kind if you come across it?  Have you seen any cyber-bullying lately?  What about on the blog?

6 TASK 1  Find out 5 – 10 verified facts about cyber bullying in NZ.  Find out what you can do to about cyber bullying.  The facts must have at least 3 different site references.  Record your results – you will need them for the next part.

7 What did you find out?

8 TASK 2  Create multiple presentations, using as many different web 2.0 tools from the list, to display your 5 -10 facts about cyber bullying and what should be done about it. (Note: You will be using the same information but displaying it in a number of ways)  Spicy Nodes  Fotobabble  Wordle  Prezi  Photo Story  Voice Thread  Your challenge is to use as many different web 2.0 tools from the list as possible.  Put your completed work on the blog.

9 PMI Plus – PositivesMinus - NegativesInteresting Got to use different Web 2 tools Choice of tools Learnt new facts We liked to use: Spicy nodes (we knew how to use it) Prezi (easy to use, lots of variety and the ability to be creative) Blabberise (it’s funny) Topic was interesting Not finishing in time Wordle – we had user issues Blabberise (short recording time) Girls are targeted more than boys Moderating sites Not many people report cyber bullying – we use our own common sense to know what should be and shouldn’t be reported. All bullying is hurtful.

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