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ŠkolaKatolické gymnázium Třebíč, Otmarova 22, Třebíč 674 01 Název projektu Moderní škola Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0464 Šablona III/2 Inovace a.

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Presentation on theme: "ŠkolaKatolické gymnázium Třebíč, Otmarova 22, Třebíč 674 01 Název projektu Moderní škola Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0464 Šablona III/2 Inovace a."— Presentation transcript:

1 ŠkolaKatolické gymnázium Třebíč, Otmarova 22, Třebíč 674 01 Název projektu Moderní škola Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0464 Šablona III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Autor DUM Paula Torresan Název DUM Birmingham Kód DUM VY_32_INOVACE_3.3.3_Birmingham Datum vytvoření 05/01/2014 Předmět Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast Anglicky mluvicí země Výstup ŠVP Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Anotace DUM Power-point prezentace o Birmingham (reálie). Metodický popis Prezentace slouží k seznámení studentů s nejdůležitějšími informacemi o Birmingham. Hodnocení DUM přispěl k hlubšímu zapamatování či procvičení učiva. Autor prohlašuje, že řádně uvedl všechny použité zdroje. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora.

2 B IRMINGHAM (UK) A brief trip through images and texts of its monuments and sights

3 Birmingham is a city of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, making it the second biggest city in the UK after London. It lies in the county of West Midlands, north-west England. The city was the centre of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s and became one of the biggest manufacturing centres. Today it is an important commercial centre. THOMMY-86. Birmingham -skyline -UK-2006. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z:

4 G-MAN. St Martins church and Bullring -Birmingham -England. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: Birmingham_-England.jpg The majority of the city’s buildings date back to the 18 th, 19 th and 20 th centuries. St. Martin in the Bull Ring is an exception as it is the oldest church in the city. It was originally built in the 13 th century, although it was later renovated and enlarged and what we can see now is a Victorian building.

5 G-MAN. Birmingham Selfridges building. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: jpg Next to the Church of Saint Martin there is the most impressive modern building of the city, Future Systems’ Selfridges. Future Systems, the team of architects led by the Czech Jan Kaplický, designed a futuristic building covered with aluminium discs mounted on a blue background which was completed in 2003. The building won many awards for its innovative architecture, also called “blobitecture”.

6 RUSTY69. Selfridges Birmingham. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: CHRISTOPHE.FINOT. Birmingham - Ringbull - Selfridges 5. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: GUY. Selfridges Birmingham at night. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: elang=cs

7 PARROT OF DOOM. Birmingham town hall. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: The Council House was built at the end of the 19 th century. It is home of the Birmingham City Council. Next to it, the Victorian Town Hall stands (in the picture on the left). Built in the 1830s in Roman architecture, the building is modelled on a temple in Rome. It used to be the site of people’s assemblies. It now hosts concerts and many other events.

8 Birmingham Cathedral, dedicated to St Philip, was built in English Baroque style in the early 18 th century. It is a relatively small cathedral. The cathedral was bombed during World War II. Inside we can admire Burne-Jones’ stained glass windows representing the nativity, the ascension, the crucifixion and the last judgement. G-MAN. Birmingham St Philip's Cathedral. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: KENAELLY., Shaun. Burne-Jones: Windows in St. Phillip's, Birmingham. In: Shaun Kenaelly [online]. 2011 [cit. 2014- 01-02]. Dostupné z: windows-in-st-phillips.html

9 Birmingham has an extensive canal system. The canals have now turned into tourist attractions. Gas Street Basin is an area where several canals meet. Tourists can see colorful canal boats, and enjoy their time at bars, cafés and restaurants. G-MAN. Brindleyplace Birmingham. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z:

10 Spaghetti Junction is the nickname for the Gravelly Hill Interchange, which connects the M6 motorway with the A38(M) Aston Expressway, the A38 (Tyburn Road), the A5127 (Lichfield Road/Gravelly Hill), and some local roads. There is very high traffic through the junction as it is one of the most important in the country. Spaghetti-Junction-Crop. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z:

11 For lovers of chocolate, there is Cadbury World on the site of the famous chocolate factory in Bournville, about 6 km from Birmingham. There tourists learn about the history of the company, can see chocolate making and are given free chocolate. BENKID77. Cadbury World sign, Bournville. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z:,_Bournville.JPG?uselang =cs DUNN, Mark. Cadbury factory, Bournville, from the Worcester and Birmingham canal towpath - - 79029. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z:,_Bournville,_from_the_Worcester_and_Birmingham_canal_towpat

12 Text: Birmingham. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: Obrázky: THOMMY-86. Birmingham -skyline -UK-2006. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: G-MAN. St Martins church and Bullring -Birmingham -England. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: Birmingham_-England.jpg G-MAN. Birmingham Selfridges building. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: CHRISTOPHE.FINOT. Birmingham - Ringbull - Selfridges 5. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: _Selfridges_5.JPG?uselang=cs RUSTY69. Selfridges Birmingham. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014- 01-02]. Dostupné z: GUY. Selfridges Birmingham at night. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: PARROT OF DOOM. Birmingham town hall. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: G-MAN. Birmingham St Philip's Cathedral. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: KENAELLY., Shaun. Burne-Jones: Windows in St. Phillip's, Birmingham. In: Shaun Kenaelly [online]. 2011 [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z: G-MAN. Brindleyplace Birmingham. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013- 12-27]. Dostupné z: POKRAČOVÁNÍ NA DALŠÍ STRÁNKU SEZNAM POUŽITÝCH ZDROJŮ:

13 Spaghetti-Junction-Crop. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z: DUNN, Mark. Cadbury factory, Bournville, from the Worcester and Birmingham canal towpath - - 79029. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2014-01-02]. Dostupné z:,_Bournville,_from_the_Worcester_and_Birmingham_canal_towpath_- BENKID77. Cadbury World sign, Bournville. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-12-27]. Dostupné z:,_Bournville.JPG?uselang=cs

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