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Robert Sidford 21 st Century Learning Coordinator Washoe County School District Reading: The Core 21 st Century Competency February 26 th, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Sidford 21 st Century Learning Coordinator Washoe County School District Reading: The Core 21 st Century Competency February 26 th, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Sidford 21 st Century Learning Coordinator Washoe County School District Reading: The Core 21 st Century Competency February 26 th, 2016

2 Do kids read the ?

3 POP QUIZ Name the world’s most popular search engine


5 POP QUIZ Name the world’s second most popular search engine




9 Outcomes for Today Recognize Characteristics of 21 st Century Learners Consider Reading from the Point of View of the 21 st Century Learner Identify when 21 st Century Learning is Occurring in Instruction If time – Consider the Role of Technology

10 What are the biggest, most impactful changes in society over the past 25 years? What skills do your students need to thrive amidst all of this change?

11 21 st Century Learners 1.Expect to be able to interact … with EVERYTHING! 2.Expect to be able to learn what they want, when they want, efficiently, at their own pace. 3.Are natives in an information society. 4.Seek feedback constantly, and use it to improve. 5.Live in a multi-tasking world. 6.Want to create things. 7.Often want to collaborate.

12 21 st Century Learners 1.Expect to be able to interact … with EVERYTHING! 2.Expect to be able to learn what they want, when they want, efficiently, at their own pace. 3.Are natives in an information society. 4.Seek feedback constantly, and use it to improve. 5.Live in a multi-tasking world. 6.Want to create things. 7.Often want to collaborate.


14 21 st Century Learners 1.Expect to be able to interact … with EVERYTHING! 2.Expect to be able to learn what they want, when they want, efficiently, at their own pace. 3.Are natives in an information society. 4.Seek feedback constantly, and use it to improve. 5.Live in a multi-tasking world. 6.Want to create things. 7.Often want to collaborate.


16 21 st Century Learners 1.Expect to be able to interact … with EVERYTHING! 2.Expect to be able to learn what they want, when they want, efficiently, at their own pace. 3.Are natives in an information society. 4.Seek feedback constantly, and use it to improve. 5.Live in a multi-tasking world. 6.Want to create things. 7.Often want to collaborate.

17 “First, they do an online search.”



20 # ;

21 Web 1.0Web 2.0Web 3.0 “The read-only web”“The wildly read-write web” “The portable, personal web” FOCUSCompaniesCommunityThe Individual FUNCTIONDelivering Content?Aggregating and Creating Content INFORMATIONStatic?Dynamic EDUCATIONAL VALUE Retrieving Information ?? The Evolution of the Internet

22 21 st Century Learners 1.Expect to be able to interact … with EVERYTHING! 2.Expect to be able to learn what they want, when they want, efficiently, at their own pace. 3.Are natives in an information society. 4.Seek feedback constantly, and use it to improve. 5.Live in a multi-tasking world. 6.Want to create things. 7.Often want to collaborate.


24 21 st Century Learners 1.Expect to be able to interact … with EVERYTHING! 2.Expect to be able to learn what they want, when they want, efficiently, at their own pace. 3.Are natives in an information society. 4.Seek feedback constantly, and use it to improve. 5.Live in a multi-tasking world. 6.Want to create things. 7.Often want to collaborate.

25 “In the 21 st Century, what you know is far less important than what you can do with what you know.” - Tony Wagner


27 Literacy … the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, compute, and communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials across disciplines and in any context. The ability to read, write, and communicate connects people to one another and empowers them to achieve things they never thought possible. Communication and connection are the basis of who we are and how we live together and interact with the world. - International Literacy Association

28 Create a definition of READING for the 21 st Century. Tweet it. @rsidford #wcsd21 #WeAreWCSD

29 Reading in the 21 st Century Many more reading strategies and comprehension techniques are available when addressing a 21 st Century reader

30 Knowing Where Technology Fits “Digital technologies are now putting in the hands of millions of people everywhere, unprecedented tools for creativity in sound, in design, in sciences, and in the arts.” - Ken Robinson

31 When you see technology enhancing learning, what are kids doing with it? When you see technology NOT enhancing learning, what are kids doing with it?

32 Be purposeful about technology use in instruction: teaching with technology vs learning through technology Knowing Where Technology Fits

33 teaching with technology vs learning through technology Who is controlling the technology?

34 teaching with technology vs learning through technology Who is creating with technology?

35 teaching with technology vs learning through technology Are students locating their own information?

36 teaching with technology vs learning through technology Who is communicating through technology?

37 teaching with technology vs learning through technology Are students using technology to help generate ideas, rather than reproduce knowledge?

38 teaching with technology vs learning through technology Are students using technology to obtain feedback from multiple sources, with opportunities for revision?

39 teaching with technology vs learning through technology Are students using technology to collaborate in creating products of learning or solving problems

40 Questions?

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