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Solar And Wind Energy To Boost Power Generation. Solar and wind energy are two of the most readily available renewable sources of energy to help us fight.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar And Wind Energy To Boost Power Generation. Solar and wind energy are two of the most readily available renewable sources of energy to help us fight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar And Wind Energy To Boost Power Generation

2 Solar and wind energy are two of the most readily available renewable sources of energy to help us fight our existing energy challenges and climate change.

3 Solar Power Generation in India India’s solar power insolation is about 5,000 T KWh per year. India’s long term solar potential looks extremely bright owing to high solar insolation and a big consumer base, a majority of which still lives off- grid. More than 8% of India’s total land area is ideal for solar power projects, as these tracts of land are barren and unsuitable for agriculture. This is a huge potential given the fact that 1.33 million MW capacity solar plants can be installed on only 1% of India’s total land area.

4 Wind Power Generation in India India comes fifth in the world in wind power capacity which has been a steadily rising since 2006. Wind power accounts nearly 8.5% of our total installed power generation capacity and it stands at 23,444 MW as on March 31, 2015. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy of India has announced a revision in the estimation of potential wind power source to 102,788 MW.

5 About Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation works to strengthen the energy security of the country by aiding the design and implementation of policies that encourage energy efficiency as well as renewable energy. Website: SLOGAN: A clean, secure and equitable energy future

6 Thank You

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