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Poetry Timeline Major Movements. Prehistoric oral tradition scops and bards "Beowulf" is a significant work.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Timeline Major Movements. Prehistoric oral tradition scops and bards "Beowulf" is a significant work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Timeline Major Movements

2 Prehistoric oral tradition scops and bards "Beowulf" is a significant work

3 Elizabethan and Shakespearean (1500- 1600's) Metaphysical poets: philosophical and spiritual subjects were approached with reason and broad conceits (comparisons) o John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, Henry Vaughn Cavalier poets: generally light in style and dealing with secular subjects; embraced the theme of carpe diem Sonnet: Italian, Petrarchan, Elizabethan o 14 lines o rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef gg o one point per quatrain o a surprise ending where the author says what he/she really thinks

4 Classical poetry: more formal and restrained/knowledge of Greek antiquities is important o T.S. Elliot, Alexander Pope Romantacism: stressed strong emotion, imagination and fredom from classical notions of form in art; lyric poetry is common of this time frame; nature is important o Keats, Wordsworth, Byron, Blake, Coleridge 18th Century

5 19th Century Pastoralism: romanticized view of natural settings (almost to the point of unreality) Modernism: broad range of poetry from 1890-1970 o symbolism: uses extensive metaphor o imagism: reaction against romanticism and valued precision in language and detail (the thing as the thing)  William Carlos Williams, H.D. Ezra Pound Fireside Poets: wrote for the common people; rivaled the British poets in popularity o Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant, James Russel Lowell

6 20th Century Imagists: precise imagery and clear, non-elevated language Objectivists Beat Poets: rejection of mainstream American values Confessionalists Black Mountain Poets San Francisco Renaissance Jazz Poetry: poetry which responds to and writes about jazz and blues Harlem Renaissance: flowering of art, music and literature in the Harlem area of New York; closely linked with jazz poetry

7 More schools and movements Poetic Schools & Movements

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