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Day 9 Block 2. World History 2 Period 1 Imagine: That you are 13 years old in the country. Your parents don't have a job they make money by selling.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 9 Block 2. World History 2 Period 1 Imagine: That you are 13 years old in the country. Your parents don't have a job they make money by selling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 9 Block 2


3 World History 2 Period 1




7 Imagine: That you are 13 years old in the country. Your parents don't have a job they make money by selling their crops from the field, and your mom stays at home all day. What would you do with your time day after day?




11 Go back to your life in the country and compare that to the I.R. How much do you think life changed for everybody?








19 4 points for each side







26 Split up into four groups!


28 Az/US History 1 Period 2


30 Lets read about an interaction described by N.A.





35 What did it mean to “sell” the river? What are the terms of the sale – what was exchanged for the river? Do you think the Indians actually thought they were selling the river itself? If not, what do you think they were exchanging?






41 How is trade affected due to differences in worldview?

42 Let’s Read Kenny’s description of Native American and European Trade

43 a. Where does cross-cultural exchange take place or become and issue? i.e.: Kenny learns Delaware to communicate with some of his customers, Indians worry about being cheated, Some Indians have English names, like “John Armstrong” and Kenny refers to an Indian with his namesake.

44 b. What attitudes does Kenny seem to have about the Indians? Why do you think he has those attitudes? Would these attitudes affect his trade? How or why? c. What is the structure of trade between Kenny and the Indians? Who is trading what for what? i.e.: Indians are trading animal pelts for liquor, gunpowder, wire, butter, etc.

45 Using the Worksheet, as well as evidence from Kenny’s narrative, map what goods are exchanged, between whom, and note whether these goods are raw goods or finished goods. You should note that Native Americans trade raw goods, such as pelts, for finished goods such as wire, foodstuffs, and gunpowder/guns.

46 What effect might this kind of trade have on a society? Does one side of the trading relationship have an advantage? Why or why not?

47 What are the effects of the trade with Europeans on Native societies? What about the concept of imbalance of trade? Are there any devastating effects from this for the Native American societies? Are they now dependent on European goods?


49 AZ/US History 2 Period 3



52 While I read this poem I would like you to draw the images it paints in your mind in the space next to the Poem

53 Read through this again but this time please underline all the places and locations that are mentioned


55 Read through the next poems by other prominent African American writers during the Harlem Renaissance and answer the following questions:.Who is the intended audience?.What is the subject matter?.How does this reflect the themes of the Harlem Renaissance?

56 Return to your groups. Discuss the common themes throughout the different documents.

57 Now I want you to write a found poem in which you alternate phrases or lines from Harlem Renaissance poems with original lines of your own. A found poem is when one takes existing texts and refashions them, reorders them, and presents them as poems. (a literary Collage). If we have time we will host a poetry slam during which students will read their found poems aloud.


59 AZ/US History 2 Period 4



62 While I read this poem I would like you to draw the images it paints in your mind in the space next to the Poem

63 Read through this again but this time please underline all the places and locations that are mentioned


65 Read through the next poems by other prominent African American writers during the Harlem Renaissance and answer the following questions:.Who is the intended audience?.What is the subject matter?.How does this reflect the themes of the Harlem Renaissance?

66 Return to your groups. Discuss the common themes throughout the different documents.

67 Now I want you to write a found poem in which you alternate phrases or lines from Harlem Renaissance poems with original lines of your own. A found poem is when one takes existing texts and refashions them, reorders them, and presents them as poems. (a literary Collage). If we have time we will host a poetry slam during which students will read their found poems aloud.

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