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1-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa én RBH d¾ FM cUr sr esIr RBH d¾ man sirI>>> l¥ ]tþm>> Gr RBH KuN RBH GgÁ Ca RBH d¾ seRgÁaH>>>´ ´BwgRBHbnÞÚlsnüa>>>énRBH. 1-Stand-ing.

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Presentation on theme: "1-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa én RBH d¾ FM cUr sr esIr RBH d¾ man sirI>>> l¥ ]tþm>> Gr RBH KuN RBH GgÁ Ca RBH d¾ seRgÁaH>>>´ ´BwgRBHbnÞÚlsnüa>>>énRBH. 1-Stand-ing."— Presentation transcript:


2 1-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa én RBH d¾ FM cUr sr esIr RBH d¾ man sirI>>> l¥ ]tþm>> Gr RBH KuN RBH GgÁ Ca RBH d¾ seRgÁaH>>>´ ´BwgRBHbnÞÚlsnüa>>>énRBH. 1-Stand-ing on the prom-is-es of Christ my King, Thro’ eternal ages let His praises ring; Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God.

3 bnÞr-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa>>én RBH Bwg>>>Ep¥k RBH>>GgÁ ´ Bwg RBHbnÞÚl snüa én RBH d¾ seRgÁaH Bwg>>Ep¥k RBH>>>GgÁ eGI ´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl>>>snüa>>>én RBHGgÁ. R-Stan-ding, standing Stan-ding on the prom-is-es of God my Sav-iour; Stan-ding, standing I’m standing on the promises of God.

4 2-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa Edl min ecH xan enA evla man kar Gasnñ mk QñH swg )an enaH edaysarRBHbnÞÚl´nwgmansuxsanþ ´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa>>>én RBH. 2-Stand-ing on the promises that can not fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail; By the living word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God.

5 bnÞr-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa>>én RBH Bwg>>>Ep¥k RBH>>GgÁ ´ Bwg RBHbnÞÚl snüa én RBH d¾ seRgÁaH Bwg>>Ep¥k RBH>>>GgÁ eGI ´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl>>>snüa>>>én RBHGgÁ. R-Stan-ding, standing Stan-ding on the prom-is-es of God my Sav-iour; Stan-ding, standing I’m standing on the promises of God.

6 3-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa én RBH Gm©as; » RBH GgÁ man RBHhb¤T½y Rslaj; ´ Nas; ´ man C½yCMnH edaysar RBH bnÞÚl c,as; ´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa>>>én RBH. 3-Stand-ing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord, Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword, Standing on the promises of God.

7 bnÞr-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa>>én RBH Bwg>>>Ep¥k RBH>>GgÁ ´ Bwg RBHbnÞÚl snüa én RBH d¾ seRgÁaH Bwg>>Ep¥k RBH>>>GgÁ eGI ´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl>>>snüa>>>én RBHGgÁ. R-Stan-ding, standing Stan-ding on the prom-is-es of God my Sav-iour; Stan-ding, standing I’m standing on the promises of God.

8 4-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa d¾ CYy eRCam ERCg xM Rbwg sþab; RBH esog RTg; d¾ BieraH éRk Elg Ep¥k enA elI RBH GgÁ seRgÁaH Ca s¶b;Es¶g ´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa>>én RBH. 4-Stand-ing on the promises I can not fall, Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call, Resting in my Saviour, as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God.

9 bnÞr-´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl snüa>>én RBH Bwg>>>Ep¥k RBH>>GgÁ ´ Bwg RBHbnÞÚl snüa én RBH d¾ seRgÁaH Bwg>>Ep¥k RBH>>>GgÁ eGI ´ Bwg RBH bnÞÚl>>>snüa>>>én RBHGgÁ. R-Stan-ding, standing Stan-ding on the prom-is-es of God my Sav-iour; Stan-ding, standing I’m standing on the promises of God.

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