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Mineral Resources and Mining

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1 Mineral Resources and Mining
13 CHAPTER Placeholder opening page, but maybe we can duplicate the look of the SE chapter opener page by using the same fonts and colors (and maybe that Ch 14 icon?)

2 Lesson 13.1 Minerals and Rocks
Over 4000 minerals have been identified, but only 1% of these are common in Earth’s crust. Amethyst

3 Minerals in Mining vs. Minerals in Food
Minerals in food are not are ____________________ They are ___________________ occurring…they are produced in laboratories. They do not have a crystalline structure (they are actually elements) Which criteria of minerals do they meet?

4 What Are Minerals? Occur in ___________ Chemically ______________
Lesson 13.1 Minerals and Rocks What Are Minerals? Occur in ___________ Chemically ______________ Solids Have orderly _______________ structures Have definite chemical compositions

5 Polymorphs A specific mineral must be the same in ______ 5 categories.
______________________ have the same chemical composition (are naturally occurring, inorganic, and a solid) but have different crystalline structures. Example: Diamond vs. Graphite


7 Properties of Minerals
Lesson 13.1 Minerals and Rocks Properties of Minerals Property Description Color A few minerals can be identified by their color. But color varies in most minerals depending on how they form. Streak The streak of a mineral is the color of its powder. Although mineral color may vary, streak color does not. Luster How light is reflected off a mineral’s surface is called luster. It may be described as glassy, earthy, silky, metallic, etc. Crystal A mineral can be identified by the particular arrangement of its atoms. Hardness Mohs scale ranks mineral hardness 1– = talc, which can be scratched by a fingernail. 10 = diamond, which can scratch all known common minerals. Cleavage A mineral that splits easily along a flat surface and forms a new “face” is said to have cleavage. Fracture Minerals that break irregularly, rather than leaving a flat surface, have fracture, not cleavage. Density Each mineral has a characteristic density—mass per unit volume.

8 Identifying Minerals using their Properties
Let’s Practice…. Identifying Minerals using their Properties

9 Mineral Formation Minerals can form in four ways:
Lesson 13.1 Minerals and Rocks Mineral Formation Minerals can form in four ways: _______________________ from magma (under surface) or lava (at surface) Pressure and temperature…POLYMORPHS __________________(not rain) Production by organisms

10 Mineral Formation continued….
Salt basins of the Sierra Nevada The Miwok people filled these basins with water from a salt spring and let it evaporate, to form salt for trading. Coral Mineral formed by living things Minerals formed from Precipitation

11 Modeling Precipitation
Pour 10 mL of water into a beaker. Stir in salt until no more dissolves. Put the beaker on the hot plate. Observe what happens as the water evaporates.

12 Lesson 13.1 Minerals and Rocks
Mineral Classes Minerals are classified based on their ________________ or _____________________.


14 Rocks _________: Mixtures and Minerals: Substances
Lesson 13.1 Minerals and Rocks Rocks Naturally occurring solids made up of ____________ and mineral-like materials _________: Mixtures and Minerals: Substances Three types: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic The _____________ slowly changes rocks from one type to another through heating, melting, cooling, weathering, and erosion.

15 Lesson 13.1 Minerals and Rocks
Types of Rocks Igneous: Form when __________ ________ and solidifies; can be intrusive or extrusive Did You Know? In general, the more slowly igneous rock cools, the larger its crystals.

16 Types of Rocks Continued….
Sedimentary: Form when __________________ ____________ together or when water evaporates and leaves behind minerals; can be clastic, chemical, or biochemical


18 Types of Rocks continued (again)….
Metamorphic: Form when _________ or ___________ changes the crystalline structure of existing rock


20 Modeling the Rock Cycle Activity #1
Create an index card for each of the rock types that includes the name of the rock type and a few words or phrases describing it. Look at Figure 6 on page 397. On the back of each index card state the processes that take place changing them into the other two rock types.

21 Modeling the Rock Cycle Activity #2
Create a foldable to compare the three types of rocks. Watch the teacher to find out how. Be sure to include the different ways they are formed… Igneous: intrusive vs. extrusive; crystal size Sedimentary: clastic, chemical, biochemical; steps of formation Metamorphic: heat and pressure; banding On the back of your foldable…. Label and color the diagram of the rock cycle. Use page 397 for help.

22 Lesson Mining More than a ton of waste may remain after extracting just a few hundredths of an ounce of gold.

23 Lesson 13.2 Mining What Is Mined? ________: Groups of minerals that are mined so ___________ or metals can be _____________; Example: Coltan and Tantalum; Bauxite and Aluminum Nonmetallic minerals: Minerals, including ___________________, that as a whole have valuable properties (may contain metal but is not mined for metal) Fuels: Minerals that can be used to generate ___________ like coal, petroleum, natural gas, uranium ______________ Copper Ores

24 What needs to be mined to make a Suburu?
Get into your groups Look at the list of materials needed to make a Suburu. Match the minerals to the correct part of the car where they are used. Cut out each mineral and place it into the correct blank box.

25 Process of Mining and Mineral Use
Lesson 13.2 Mining Process of Mining and Mineral Use From initial exploration to disposal, mining and mineral use involve many steps.

26 Mining Methods Strip mining Subsurface mining Open pit mining
Lesson 13.2 Mining Mining Methods Strip mining Subsurface mining Open pit mining Mountaintop removal Solution mining Placer mining Undersea mining A strip mining operation in Wyoming Did You Know? Some subsurface mines in South Africa extend 4 km underground.

27 Strip Mining _________________ of surface soil and rock are _______________ to _____________ ____________

28 Subsurface Mining Vertical _____ are dug deep into the ____________ and networks of ___________ are dug to follow deposits of the resource

29 Open Pit Mining Digging a large _______ and removing the resource and unwanted rock that surrounds the resource Large hole is called a __________

30 Mountaintop Removal Similar to _______ mining

31 Solution Mining _______________ must be ______________ in water

32 Placer Mining

33 Undersea Mining

34 Lesson 13.2 Mining Processing Ore Ores must be processed to gain access to the ________ they contain: Ore is crushed and ground. Crushed ore is ____________ into metals and tailings. Froth Flotation Concentrated metals are further processed, often by ________________.

35 Lesson 13.3 Mining Impacts and Regulation
There are about $314 million worth of metals contained in unused cell phones in the United States alone.

36 Environmental Impacts of Mining
Lesson 13.3 Mining Impacts and Regulation Environmental Impacts of Mining _____________ erosion Sediment and debris clog waterways. Acid drainage and other forms of water ______________ Air pollution Disruption of ocean _________________ (undersea mining) Destruction of habitat Mine Remediation Mitigation of damage caused to the hillside by strip mining

37 Social Impacts of Mining
Lesson 13.3 Mining Impacts and Regulation Social Impacts of Mining Property damage caused by _______________ removal or mine collapse Although mining can bring money and jobs to poor areas of the world, ___________ can arise over mineral rights. Mining can be _____________ to the health of the miners. Did You Know? Around 650 miners or former miners died from complications related to black lung disease in 2005. Several damaged areas in the Northern Coeur d’Alene Mining District, in Idaho

38 Mining for Coltan War

39 Lesson 13.3 Mining Impacts and Regulation
General Mining Law of 1872 Created _____________ to manage mining activity, but also promoted mining __________ ___________ can be claimed and leased from the government for mining. Claim owners can file to patent, or own, the land for $5 per acre. The same price as ________ _____________________ are currently being considered Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act (2009): ends the patenting process and requires miners to pay the government percentages of their profits

40 Additional Mining Regulations
Lesson 13.3 Mining Impacts and Regulation Additional Mining Regulations Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 governs leasing of public lands for __________ _______, phosphate, sodium, and sulfur mining. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977) requires that coal-mining companies ____________ land __________ mining is complete. An abandoned mine in New York state, now home to hibernating bats

41 Lesson 13.3 Mining Impacts and Regulation
Mine Safety _________ law, passed in _______, established ventilation requirements for coal mines and prohibited miners under 12. Today, the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 regulates _________ _____________. In 2010, an underground explosion in a West Virginia mine killed 29 miners.


43 Responsible Mineral Use
Lesson 13.3 Mining Impacts and Regulation Responsible Mineral Use Minerals are _______________ resources. ________________ use, reusing, and recycling minerals can help minimize the _____________ impacts of mining and address limited supplies. Did You Know? Extracting aluminum ore takes 20 times more energy than obtaining it from recycled sources.

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