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I am the way the truth & the life John 14:6. I am the way the truth & the life There are many people who will offer you different ways to come to Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "I am the way the truth & the life John 14:6. I am the way the truth & the life There are many people who will offer you different ways to come to Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 I am the way the truth & the life John 14:6

2 I am the way the truth & the life There are many people who will offer you different ways to come to Christ but there is only one true way to come to the Lord and that is through Jesus Christ.

3 I am the way the truth & the life Way: Going in the direction that God intended through Jesus is the way to God and redemption

4 I am the way the truth & the life Truth: This means that God was not just truth but is truth. And His life is living proof of the Glory of God.

5 I am the way the truth & the life Life: Jesus is the giver of eternal life..

6 I am the way the truth & the life Please consider becoming a part of the Village family.

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