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C OPYRIGHT B ASICS. W HAT IS C OPYRIGHT ? Copyright allows authors, musicians, artists, etc. to make money off of their labor. It prevents others from.

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Presentation on theme: "C OPYRIGHT B ASICS. W HAT IS C OPYRIGHT ? Copyright allows authors, musicians, artists, etc. to make money off of their labor. It prevents others from."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT IS C OPYRIGHT ? Copyright allows authors, musicians, artists, etc. to make money off of their labor. It prevents others from taking there work for free. It also prevents people from altering the work without permission.

3 W HAT C AN B E P ROTECTED ? Literary Works Musical Works Dramatic Works Choreographic Work Pictorial, Graphic, and Sculptural Works Motion Pictures and AV Sound Recordings Architectural Works

4 W HAT D OES C OPYRIGHT G IVE R IGHTS H OLDERS ? Right to reproduce the work. Right to distribute copies for sale. Right to perform works publicly. Make derivative work.”

5 H OW L ONG D OES C OPYRIGHT L AST ? A copyright last for life plus 70 years for individuals for anything. A copyright lasts for 95 years for corporate authors after publication for anything (It is 120 years after creation if not published.).

6 C OPYRIGHT IS A UTOMATIC There is no need to include a copyright notice. (©, 2003). However, it is a good idea to do so due to ignorance. The copyright is in force when the work is “fixed” which includes saving to disk or writing it on paper.

7 P UBLIC D OMAIN Anything in the public domain is useable by anyone in any way that they want. No one owns it. Everything published before 1923 is in the public domain. Authors can choose to put work in the public domain by including a notice that the item is in the public domain.

8 P UBLIC D OMAIN E XAMPLES In addition, the following items are never covered by copyright: 1. Ideas, facts, and common property (i.e., calendars and phone books) 2. Federal laws and court decisions 3. Words, names, slogans and phrases 4. Most blank forms 5. Recipes, discoveries, procedures, and systems (but not the words that describe them.)

9 W HAT IS F AIR U SE ? Class handouts of very short excerpts from a book. Quoting for purposes of reporting the news or criticizing or commenting on a particular work of art, writing, speech or scholarship.

10 WHAT IS ILLEGAL? Use of whole or part of an image without permission Use beyond the scope of a license. Asking another person to recreate the copy righted thing.


12 O RIGINAL ART These are the images that were infringed upon to create the Newsday cover.

13 W HO IS RESPONSIBLE ? The company that directly infringed. Employees who participated in the infringement or should have supervised. Anyone who publishes the infringing image whether they had knowledge or not.

14 H OW TO AVOID INFRINGEMENT Obtain a license for all the uses that will be needed. Obtain a license to create a derivative image. Obtain an art rendering or art reference license to change the medium.

15 COPYRIGHTS IN PAKISTAN Copyright law in Pakistan was first introduced in 1962 through an Ordinance. It was a comprehensive document and covered all aspects including civil remedies, offences, penalties and appeals. A Copyright Board was constituted by the Federal Government which was deemed to be a civil court under the Criminal Procedure Act of 1898 and proceedings before the Board were deemed to be the judicial proceedings within the meaning of the relevant sections of Pakistan Penal Code.

16 WIPO & IPO From Pakistan’s point of view, the awareness of intellectual property rights left much to be desired. It is, in fact, the World Intellectual Property Organization and Intellectual Property Organization in Pakistan which have taken effective steps for creating awareness among the stakeholders through different programmed. Their achievement in this behalf deserves appreciation and recognition.

17 P RESENT S ITUATION In fact, both NBF and IPO are facing an embarrassing situation and do not have a satisfactory explanation to offer to the question posed to both the organizations that as to why the local publishing industry has been deprived of their business.

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