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The Renaissance Theatre By: Candice, Daryl, Jimmy & Dana.

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1 The Renaissance Theatre By: Candice, Daryl, Jimmy & Dana

2 How It Started The term “Renaissance” means rebirth, from the Italian word “Rinascimento”. It started in Italy, then spread to the rest of Europe. The period was an intellectual movement with renewed interest in the arts, science, and literature.

3 Important Events 1454- Johann Gutenburg invents the first printing press. Print the Gutenburg Bible, marking the beginning of printed books available to everyone. 1348- Black Death strikes Europe, diminishing the population by 50%. 1397- Giovanni di Bicci (de' Medici) founds the Medici bank, which was a patron of many artists and helped Florence flourish. 1585- Teatro Farnese is built in Parma. It is the oldest theatre still surviving. 1486- Virtuvius writes and publishes De Architectura. Taking up ten volumes, one is about theatre. 1500- Perspective is rediscovered. It was used to build scenery, “raked” stage, and proscenium arches in theatre. 1637- First opera houses open in Italy after previously being banned. 1550- Periaktoi are used to change wings. 1638- Nicola Sabbattini publishes Manual for constructing theatrical scenes and machines.

4 Theatre Houses Famous theatre houses include the Globe, Swan, Rose, Fortune, and the Curtain. The first permanent proscenium theatre was built in the Teatro Farnese in Parma, Italy, and is the most famous. The first permanent indoor theatre was the Teatro Olimpico—it’s still intact. Sebastiano Serlio published a Tattat de architettura, which detailed the three parts of building a practical stage. The first part was building the auditorium, and then the different types of stages— satiric, tragic, and comedic—and finally a raked platform based on the Roman platform.

5 Famous Plays & Their Authors Christopher Marlowe wrote the famous play The Tragical History of Dr. Fautus. He also wrote the two- part play Tamberlaine-the-Great, and The Jew of Malta. The best known playwright is William Shakespeare, who wrote many largely known plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew, Julius Caesar, and many more. Ben Jonson wrote very morbid plays, like Shakespeare. He wrote two tragedies. John Webster wrote The Duchess of Malfi.

6 Costumes and Makeup Costumes were very expensive, so the actors typically dressed in contemporary clothing to save costs. The costumes were bright and colorful, to make up for the lack of props. All roles were played by men, including the female roles. Women were not allowed to act. Actors often died early from lead poisoning from the makeup.

7 The End THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!! And being patient Brought to you by: Candice Yip Dana Jones Daryl Cheng Jimmy Ou

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