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Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Diamonds.

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1 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Diamonds

2 Objectives: To understand the cultures, governments, and economies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, and Angola To see the positive and negative effects of the diamond trade on a country.

3 Democratic Republic of the Congo Population: 50.5 million people, 250 different ethnic groups Kongo people Kongo people Language: French, but many local languages 75% Christian Most live in rural areas Kinshasa (the capital) has more than 5 million people

4 Democratic Republic of the Congo Opportunity to be wealthy gold gold petroleum petroleum diamonds diamonds copper copper Most are farmers Reasons the D.R.C. cannot take full advantage of resources: Difficulty of transportation Difficulty of transportation Many resources found deep in the country’s interior Political unrest Political unrest Power-hungry leaders kept country’s wealth for themselves

5 Sierra Leone Founded as a home for people freed from slavery (like Liberia) British ruled from 1787 until 1961 Civil war has destroyed economic development. Revolutionary United Front Took power in 1991 Took power in 1991 Caused many deaths Caused many deaths 75,000 civilians killed 200,000 injured 5 million forced from homes

6 Angola Main economic activity is agriculture. Oil deposits account for 90% of exports Was a colony of Portugal until 1975 Civil Wars since then

7 “Blood Diamonds” Congo, Angola, Sierra Leone, and South Africa account for much of the world’s diamond exports Diamonds are very lucrative Civil wars in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, and Angola Groups trying to stop smuggling and bloodshed United Nations United Nations World Diamond Council World Diamond Council Watch over trade

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