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World History Chapter 16-Age of Imperialism Section 1- Pressures for Expansion.

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1 World History Chapter 16-Age of Imperialism Section 1- Pressures for Expansion

2 Warm up On a sheet of blank paper: ½ page, Name date and CLEVER title ! On a sheet of blank paper: ½ page, Name date and CLEVER title ! 1. a. What do you feel Imperialism means? Is it ever ok for a strong country to take over a weak underdeveloped area? (to “help” them”?) 1. a. What do you feel Imperialism means? Is it ever ok for a strong country to take over a weak underdeveloped area? (to “help” them”?) b. If you could take over any person’s house (0r any 1 place in the world) (fully furnished) in the world where would you go and why? (I would take over a shopping mall for my house…free coffee/cinnabun!) b. If you could take over any person’s house (0r any 1 place in the world) (fully furnished) in the world where would you go and why? (I would take over a shopping mall for my house…free coffee/cinnabun!) VLA: with die roll x 2 : VLA: with die roll x 2 :

3 1. Describe what you see in the picture: (be specific) 2. What do you think this picture represents? 3. What country do you think the person in the picture is from? 4. Do you think this is a positive or negative cartoon?



6 domination (Control) of political, economic & social life of another country. Imperialism- One Country’s domination (Control) of political, economic & social life of another country. 1800-1914 known as Age of Imperialism. 1800-1914 known as Age of Imperialism. Is it ever ok for a strong country to take over a weak underdeveloped area? Is it ever ok for a strong country to take over a weak underdeveloped area?

7  Political Rivalries CAUSE #1 Several countries start colonies: Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal and Russia go into Africa, Asia and India. Several countries start colonies: Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal and Russia go into Africa, Asia and India. Difficult communications between colonies and European countries allowed colonial officials to run affairs. Difficult communications between colonies and European countries allowed colonial officials to run affairs. Conflicts arose when 2 European nations claimed same territories. Conflicts arose when 2 European nations claimed same territories.

8  Desire for New Markets CAUSE #2 Owners/operators of factories sought new sources of ­raw materials and new markets for products. Owners/operators of factories sought new sources of ­raw materials and new markets for products. Raw materials back to Europe: Raw materials back to Europe: From Africa: rubber, copper and gold From Africa: rubber, copper and gold India: cotton and jute (later opium) India: cotton and jute (later opium) Southeast Asia:. Southeast Asia: Tin and teas. Colonies provided new markets for I.R. manufactured products such as tools, weapons and clothing. Colonies provided new markets for I.R. manufactured products such as tools, weapons and clothing.

9 Products Acquired: Name them!

10  Seeking New Opportunities  Cause #3 Colonies needed Europeans to live in the colonies and run them. Colonies needed Europeans to live in the colonies and run them. 1840s, @1million French citizens settle in Algeria, started farms on land seized from Algerian farmers. 1840s, @1million French citizens settle in Algeria, started farms on land seized from Algerian farmers. British emigrate to Australia and New Zealand in 1850s in search of gold. British emigrate to Australia and New Zealand in 1850s in search of gold.

11  Seeking New Opportunities con’t Great Britain gets MOST land …in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. The phrase “the sun never sets on the British Empire” described Great Britain’s vast holdings. Great Britain gets MOST land …in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. The phrase “the sun never sets on the British Empire” described Great Britain’s vast holdings. People saw emigration (Leaving ones homeland) as a way to become wealthy/ famous. People saw emigration (Leaving ones homeland) as a way to become wealthy/ famous. Ex: Cecil Rhodes an adventurer made wealthy by gold/diamond mining. He founded the colony of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Ex: Cecil Rhodes an adventurer made wealthy by gold/diamond mining. He founded the colony of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).

12  “Civilizing” Mission Cause #4: Religion and humanitarian reasons Religion and humanitarian reasons lead people to emigrate to colonies. lead people to emigrate to colonies. Catholic and Protestant missionaries went to Africa and Asia. Believed Christianity and Western civilization could transform the world. Catholic and Protestant missionaries went to Africa and Asia. Believed Christianity and Western civilization could transform the world. Missionaries built churches and set up schools and hospitals. Missionaries built churches and set up schools and hospitals. Some colonial officials tried to impose Western customs and traditions. Discouraged colonial peoples from practicing traditional customs and rituals. Some colonial officials tried to impose Western customs and traditions. Discouraged colonial peoples from practicing traditional customs and rituals.

13  “Civilizing” Mission con’t Some Europeans believed in the theory of ­**Social Darwinism to prove cultural superiority. Believed white Europeans the “fittest” people in the world and it was their duty spread Western ideas to “backward” peoples. Some Europeans believed in the theory of ­**Social Darwinism to prove cultural superiority. Believed white Europeans the “fittest” people in the world and it was their duty spread Western ideas to “backward” peoples.

14 Rudyard Kipling, British writer warns about imperialist attitude in his poem “The White Man’s Burden”.

15  Forms of Imperialism Imperial nations gained land through Treaties, purchases and military conquests. Imperial nations gained land through Treaties, purchases and military conquests. 1.Colonies- territories that an imperial power took over and ruled directly through colonial officials. 1.Colonies- territories that an imperial power took over and ruled directly through colonial officials. 2. Protectorate- Natives of a territory have their own government but policies guided by foreign powers. 2. Protectorate- Natives of a territory have their own government but policies guided by foreign powers. 3. Sphere of Influence- region of a country in which the imperial power had exclusive investment or trading rights. 3. Sphere of Influence- region of a country in which the imperial power had exclusive investment or trading rights.

16 Vlas Je1W_HIWmA Je1W_HIWmA Je1W_HIWmA Je1W_HIWmA Crash Course: Crash Course: lJaltUmrGo lJaltUmrGo lJaltUmrGo lJaltUmrGo

17 Wrap UP: VLA clip then… FOR HW Choose: 1. Create Visual representations of at least 10 important facts from this section OR FOR HW Choose: 1. Create Visual representations of at least 10 important facts from this section OR 2. Create LINKED Chain of any KEY 10 PAIRS of connected facts from this section: example: 1. Algeria ---- is Conquered by the French……2. Missionaries -----Convert natives to Christianity….. 2. Create LINKED Chain of any KEY 10 PAIRS of connected facts from this section: example: 1. Algeria ---- is Conquered by the French……2. Missionaries -----Convert natives to Christianity…..

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