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G063 – Rapid Application Development

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1 G063 – Rapid Application Development

2 Rapid Application Development
What is RAD? a software development methodology used by programmers to build working software solutions aim is to produce a software solution in a short time (< 6 months) uses minimal planning in favour of rapid prototyping uses iterative development in the construction of prototypes the "planning" of software development is occurs during development “plan as you go” generally allows software to be written much faster due to lack of extensive pre-planning

3 Rapid Application Development
How does RAD work? a team is created - made up of project team + end users joint application development (JAD) workshops JAD used to gather user requirements which should not (but may) change before the end of the project project requirements are broken down into small ‘chunks’ each ‘chunk’ is allocated a timescale for completion ‘timeboxing’ prototypes of each ‘chunk’ are produced prototype evaluated against requirements by the JAD any deficiencies identified are corrected re-evaluated by JAD iterative prototyping build  demonstrate  refine

4 Rapid Application Development

5 Rapid Application Development

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