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Loco: Distributing Ridge Regression with Random Projections Yang Song Department of Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Loco: Distributing Ridge Regression with Random Projections Yang Song Department of Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Loco: Distributing Ridge Regression with Random Projections Yang Song Department of Statistics

2 Introduction In the last few years there has been great interest in solving large-scale optimization and estimation problems. Some datasets are large enough such that they are impractical to store and process on a single machine and so the problem must be solved in a distributed manner on a computing cluster. Two obvious questions: 1. Distribution. 2. Communication.

3 Ridge Regression Linear Regression: To minimize the error: OLS: Ridge Regression:

4 Distributed ridge regression

5 CoCoA

6 A low-dimensional approximation


8 Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transform (SRHT)

9 Algorithm

10 Computational, memory and communication costs. The cost of computing random projection in each block The memory cost :

11 Benefits of Loco The problem each worker solves becomes easier in a computational sense. Each local problem becomes easier in a statistical sense. the size of the random projections to be communicated by each worker decreases.

12 Analysis Is the coefficients estimated by Loco are close to the full ridge regression solution? Risk: Natural assumption: Most of the important signal lies in the direction of the first J principal components of X.

13 Assumption

14 Theorem 1

15 Experimental Results n = 4,000 p = 150,000 Rank r = 150 n_test = 1000 Within-block correlation : 0.7 Signal-to-noise ratio: 1 Loco 1, Loco 5, Loco 10



18 n = 8,000 p = 500,000 Rank r = 500 Loco 1, Loco 2



21 Climate data The data we consider is part of the CMIP5 climate modeling ensemble, specically the data are taken from control simulations of the GISS global circulation model. p = 10368 n = 1062 n_test: 213, n_train: 849


23 Conclusion In the case of p>>n, we should use ridge regression rather than linear regression. Loco is a distributed algorithm that decrease the cost of time and memory much but with a low additional prediction error Loco can be generalized to a larger class of estimation problems.

24 Thank You!

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