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Presentation to Loughborough East Area Forum Shelthorpe Community School Thursday 11 th March 2010 Neil Greenhalgh & Vicky Brackenbury Environmental Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Loughborough East Area Forum Shelthorpe Community School Thursday 11 th March 2010 Neil Greenhalgh & Vicky Brackenbury Environmental Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Loughborough East Area Forum Shelthorpe Community School Thursday 11 th March 2010 Neil Greenhalgh & Vicky Brackenbury Environmental Services & Street Management

2 Waste collection Recycling Composting Street cleaning Education and community work Litter and dog waste bins Fly-tipping Bulky waste & clinical waste Cleaning of CNH land Environmental Services

3 Two years in the making Consultation with reference panels Output based to meet targets Zero Waste Strategy – minimise landfill Greater customer focus High degree of performance management Target key ‘high profile’ areas Awarded to Serco for up to 14 years Environmental Services Contract

4 Improvements Quicker response times to requests and complaints Simpler recycling system Sacks more widely available New vehicles to deal with the problems Better trained staff – change of culture All roads, footpaths and grassed areas cleaned by one contractor Greater emphasis on improving standards and recycling levels

5 Community Engagement More composting at ‘community sites’ Partnering with community sector for bulky waste re-use (MIND & Sofa) Community Champions initiative More support and resources for education and awareness work Closer working with the University, College and student population Satisfaction ratings linked to performance payments

6 Behind the Scenes GIS mapping of the Borough Electronic (automated) performance management system Electronic tagging Greater self monitoring of contract Investment in training Commitment to maximise performance (KPI’s) Reduced carbon footprint

7 Request for Help Recycle or reuse as much of your rubbish as possible Please only use the purple sacks for recycling Support the new recycling service with MIND Help us keep your area clean and free from litter and dog fouling Report any problems (fly-tipping, litter etc):- 01509 634 563 or Consider becoming a Community Champion Let us know of any ‘hotspots’

8 Street Management - What do we cover? Environmental Crime On Street Parking Off Street Parking Public Conveniences

9 Street Wardens job specification To provide a Street Warden Service across the Borough giving support and information for the Local Community and carrying out enforcement of relevant environmental crime and car parking legislation and regulation as necessary

10 Street Wardens WHAT DOES THIS MEAN IN REALITY? Act as the ‘eyes & ears’ of the community Work a shift/rota scheme – 7 days a week including bank holidays Deal with both enviro crime & parking on a daily basis Check known problem areas / hot spots Issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) where appropriate Liaise with other agencies including the Police, environmental health etc Respond to incidents and take appropriate non-confrontational action to resolve the situation Provide a uniformed presence in the Borough Offer support, advice, reassurance

11 Types of environmental crime where we can issue an FPN Dropping litter£80 Incorrect use of a waste receptacle£110 Dog fouling£80 Abandoning a vehicle£200 Litter clearing notices/street litter control notices – non compliance£110 Failure to furnish waste transfer notes£300 Fly posting or graffiti£80

12 Fixed Penalty Notices Discounted for Early Payment – If paid within 10 days the fine is discounted If the Fixed penalty notice is paid within 14 days the matter is resolved If the fixed penalty notice is not paid then the matter will be dealt within court with a possibility of substantial fines

13 Types of environmental crime where we can and have prosecuted Fly tipping Duty of care Non payment of fixed penalty notice Non compliance of notice Abandoned vehicle

14 Off Street Parking The Council owned car parks where we manage and operate off street parking are: Loughborough Rural areas Beehive LaneAnstey Woodhouse Eaves Pinfold GateThurmastonRothley Browns Lane & ExtensionSystonQuorn Granby StreetBarrow upon Soar Southfields Offices & Southfield Road Extension

15 On Street Parking Enforcement The Street Wardens can enforce on street parking contraventions if there are signs and lines in place Leicestershire County Council are the Highway Authority so they decide on where new schemes will be placed. Leicestershire County Council will also make decisions on parking charge notices

16 Useful Contacts All residents need to call the contact centre on 01509 634564 All agencies need to call the contact centre or email to raise a case E-mail:

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