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2015 Middletown Cooperative Summer School Program.

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1 2015 Middletown Cooperative Summer School Program

2 Dates ► Registration took place on June 22 nd and 23 rd. ► Classes began June 24 th and ended on July 23 rd. ► Classes started at 7:45 AM and concluded at 1:10 PM.

3 Enrollment ► One hundred and sixteen students attended summer school. ► Eighty-nine students were from Middletown High School. ► The remaining twenty-seven students were from Middlesex and Hartford County.

4 Courses Offered ► Math: Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry ► English: English 9, English 10, and English 11/12 ► Science: Science 9 and Biology ► History: World History and US History ► Physical Education

5 Finances ► Tuition payments totaled $25,630. ► The cost to employ teachers was $22,460. ► We help families as much as possible. If a family is unable to pay their balance, we allow them to set up a payment plan. At this time, we expect an additional $730 in tuition payments.

6 Important Data ► Thirteen Middletown High School students were able to meet graduation requirements at the conclusion of summer school. ► Forty-two percent of MHS students who attended summer school were able to avoid being retained due to the credits they earned in summer school.

7 ► As a result of students earning credit in summer school, MHS was able to lower its retention rate by 46%. ► We were able to keep class sizes to a minimum for the upcoming school year. ► At-risk students were able to have positive experiences in classes they previously struggled to complete.

8 ► We would like to thank the following people for their help and assistance: Principal Colleen Weiner, the custodial staff, the guidance department, the food service staff, and the teaching staff.

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