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Croda International Plc Results for 6 months to 30 June 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Croda International Plc Results for 6 months to 30 June 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Croda International Plc Results for 6 months to 30 June 2002

2 Summary Recovery in core business Further business and site rationalisation Improved working capital management New product pipeline remains strong

3 Summary of continuing operations* Sales157.2153.2 Operating profit21.721.6 Interest(2.3)(3.1) Profit before tax 19.418.5 EBITDA 29.629.0 * pre-exceptionals 20022001 £m £m

4 Statistics 2002 2001 EPS normalised (p)9.38.4 DPS (p)3.913.85 Interest cover (x)9.36.8 Tax rate (%)35.940.0

5 Impact of FRS 19 Reduction in net assets£10m Effect on gearing+ 2% Increase in pre exceptional tax charge£0.6m Effect on tax rate+ 3%

6 Exceptional items £m Cash cost of site closures3.9 Asset write down 9.8 Goodwill written back5.2 _________ Total charge18.9 __________

7 Turnover change on prior year* Volume Currency Mix/ Total price Group- 3.0%- 1.0%+ 6.5%+ 2.5% * continuing operations only

8 Volume change on prior year* Oleochemicals Other Total + 3.5%- 14.5%- 3.0% * continuing operations only

9 Sales by destination* 2002 2001 £m%£m% United Kingdom26.71727.218 Rest of Europe41.22642.528 Americas53.63449.933 Asia21.51419.012 Rest of World14.2914.69 ______________ 157.2100153.2100 ______________________________ * continuing operations only

10 Sales by market* Personal & Health Care86.25581.153 Home Care & Plastics Additives22.41421.514 Industrial Specialities30.51930.220 Other18.11220.413 _________ ________ ________ ________ 157.2100 153.2100 _________ ________ ________ ________ * continuing operations only 20022001 £m% £m %

11 Oleochemicals trading margin* * continuing operations only

12 Summary of trading Personal and Health Care driving growth Strong growth in the Americas and Far East UK and Mainland Europe slightly lower Raw material prices remain stable

13 Cash flow £m 20022001 Operating cash flow20.826.4 Interest(2.3)(3.1) Dividends(4.2)(4.0) Taxation(6.9)(2.5) _______ _______ Free cash flow7.416.8 Net Capex(8.4)(9.7) Own shares(0.3)(1.5) Disposals/Acquisitions/Closures 0.125.2 _______ _______ Net cash flow(1.2)30.8 Other1.5(2.3) _______ _______ Reduction in net debt0.328.5 _______ _______

14 Working capital Stock reduction/rationalisation in process Increased focus on working capital Sales recovery has increased debtors Improvements in working capital incorporated into employee incentive schemes

15 Strategic & operational progress

16 Business/site closures Textile Auxiliaries Varnish Media Solvent Recovery Westbrook Site Market Harborough

17 New Personal Care products Keravis Eyeliss Ryzasol

18 Keravis Protein based Strengthens hair from within Protects the surface of the hair Triples the strength of damaged hair

19 Effect of Keravis on Hair Strength Increasing Hair Strength

20 Eyeliss Combination of peptides and vitamins Strengthens capillaries Reduces puffy eyes

21 Eyeliss D0D56

22 Ryzasol Protein based Tightens skin Smooths skin

23 Ryzasol Comparison of prints Blank and positive control Skin treated with Ryzasol shows formulations show no visual significant decrease in skin improvement in skin roughness roughness Untreated SkinBlank formulationRyzasol 1% active

24 Health Care update Provensis project update Natural asthma treatment to be launched H2 2002 Crohn’s disease - product launch Plant based anticholesteremic

25 Outlook Organic growth continues in line with expectations Health Care growth to come Strong product pipeline Cost reductions Continued focus on working capital

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