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E. Michael Loovis Behavior Management chapter 6. Learning Objectives To identify 6 approaches to managing behavior in APE and sport To understand and.

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Presentation on theme: "E. Michael Loovis Behavior Management chapter 6. Learning Objectives To identify 6 approaches to managing behavior in APE and sport To understand and."— Presentation transcript:

1 E. Michael Loovis Behavior Management chapter 6

2 Learning Objectives To identify 6 approaches to managing behavior in APE and sport To understand and apply behavior modification principles and procedures To analyze strengths and weaknesses of the different behavior-management approaches To execute an applied behavior analysis in an instructional episode with a student who has a disability

3 Behavior Modification Systematic process Application of reinforcement learning principles Behavior controlled by its effect on the environment

4 Reinforcement Positive Negative

5 Punishment Presentation of an aversive consequence Removal of a positive stimulus

6 Extinction Withholding of reinforcement after a response previously reinforced No consequence following the response A stimulus (aversive or positive) neither presented nor taken away

7 Principles of Operant Conditioning

8 Types of Reinforcers Primary Secondary Vicarious Premack Principle

9 Schedules of Reinforcement Fixed ratio Variable ratio Fixed interval Variable interval

10 Procedures to Increase Behavior Shaping Chaining Prompting Fading Modeling Token economy Contingency management

11 Behavioral Contract in Physical Education The terms of this contract are detailed below: The student will earn one point for every positive state- ment or action made to or about an opponent during parti- cipation in the class basketball unit. Student must earn 10 points to qualify for free time in the gym on Friday afternoons. The teacher will record every demonstration of the stu- dent’s positive interactions as evidenced by the chart pub- licly displayed in the gym. The teacher will award points during class and supervise free time in the gym on Friday afternoons if the student earns the prescribed number of points. This agreement is between [student’s name] and [teach- er’s name]. The contract begins on [specify date] and ends on [specify date]. It will be reviewed on [specify date]. Student’s signature __________________ Date _________ Teacher’s signature __________________ Date _________

12 Procedures to Decrease Behavior Reinforcement of other behavior Reinforcement of incompatible behavior Reinforcement of low response rates Punishment Time-out

13 Behavior Modification Program Identifying the target behavior Establishing baseline Choosing the reinforcer Scheduling the reinforcer

14 Other Approaches Psychodynamic Psychoeducational Ecological Biogenic Humanistic

15 Psychodynamic Approach Etiology of psychological dysfunction Understand “why” individuals behave as they do

16 Psychoeducational Approach Inappropriate behavior = maladaptive attempt to cope Education of “self” “Here and now” Self-instruction / reinforcement / reward Life-space interview

17 Ecological Approach Disturbance in student’s environment. Effect is reciprocal and negative. Environments accommodate individuals, not vice versa.

18 Biogenic Approach Neurophysiological dysfunction. Emphasis is on etiological factors. Major strategy is drug therapy. –Stimulants –Neuroleptics –Antidepressants

19 Humanistic Approach Maslow’s self-actualization theory Rogers’ concept of fully functioning self Attitude theory and disability studies Humanism and adapted physical education –Claudine Sherrill –Don Hellison

20 Behavior Management Control behavior Promote skill acquisition Teach prosocial behaviors

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