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Mock Action Research Proposal Presentation Toy Brown.

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1 Mock Action Research Proposal Presentation Toy Brown

2 Area of Focus Statement The purpose of this study is to find how to improve behavior problems in the classroom and does these behaviors occur more with the male student than the female student. What lead to my research topic is what I see in the schools on a day to day basis. The amount of male students I see in the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) classrooms and getting into trouble.

3 Research Questions How does a male student vs a female student effect the behavior? How are students influenced by their classmates? What levels of self-esteem does these students have?

4 Locus of Control General Education Teachers may have some what control of the behavior. Teachers may feel they are not trained to deal with the curriculum for students with disabilities or to deal with significant behavior issues. Chhabra, Srivastava (2010) found Special Education and General Education teachers felt they were unable to meet the needs of students.

5 Intervention(s) The intervention I plan to use with student, removing him from the class as one of my strategies that I utilize for about 5 minutes to refocus the student or how ever long it may take him. Another intervention is allowing him to sit with me one on one and do his work quietly. He has a spot in the classroom where he takes his time out periods.

6 Data Collection What I used to collect my data is a Frequency Record and Graph sheet. To track my student in my study I use what is called a Frequency Record and Graph chart. This sheet is done daily it has numbers from 0-25 were I am marking the frequency of his behavior and the observation period is 6.5 hours a day. At the in of the week I connect the marks across the columns.

7 Ethics The challenges I may face with this student is he may like me one day and dislike me the next. Most days he is open to me but when he is upset it is very hard to reach him. I think he works wells with me and when I am in the classroom.

8 Reflective Stance The action research could be used for the desire or intent of increasing the professional development and who may benefit from the planned reflective inquiry. This would also address the areas of need.

9 Action The action I find with this study is being aware of my students needs, exhibiting cooperation, being clear of what is expected of him and the consequences.

10 Action-Data Connection Once I saw what action research is and how it can be used it became more important. It allowed me to see ways I could track my student and show his behavior patterns. It also allows for the administration and the ESE department to see his behavior patterns.

11 Data Collection Ideas References Mills, G. E. (2014). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Chhabra, S., Srivastava (2010). Inclusion education in Bostwana: The perception of school teachers. Journal of Disability Studies.

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