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END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 1 Industrial Technology Agrestic Junior High 8 th -9th Renewable.

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Presentation on theme: "END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 1 Industrial Technology Agrestic Junior High 8 th -9th Renewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 1 Industrial Technology Agrestic Junior High 8 th -9th Renewable Energy Sources

2 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 2

3 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 3 What is a renewable energy source? Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural sources. Sunlight, wind, rain, water (rivers, oceans), and different types of heat that can be replaced naturally. Renewable energy ranges from solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity, and biofuels for transportation.

4 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 4 Renewable Energy Sources

5 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 5 Wind Farms Wind can be used as a source of power. Some wind farms can produce enough energy to supply hundreds of thousands of homes.  Advantages Clean source Produced locally Won’t be used up Lowest cost energy today Don’t take up much space, land can still be worked  Disadvantages  Location of wind farm must be ideal  Wind doesn’t always blow when needed  Remote locations are usually best, but are located away from cities  Land could be used for other purposes

6 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 6 What must be considered when building a wind farm Wind does not blow 100% of the time and must be considered in determining location Big cities do not have the space for a big wind farm so proximity to needed power must be convenient. Some locals might think wind farms are a eye sore and petition.

7 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 7 Wind

8 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 8 Water as Energy Source Water is more dense than air and can produce more energy than air under the ideal circumstances  Advantages  Clean fuel source  Produced locally  Generally produced when needed  Benefits to local economy, fishing, recreation  Disadvantages  Local wildlife effected  Aeration of waters downstream of dams  Droughts can affect power output  Land could be used for other purposes

9 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 9 What must be considered when selecting water as an energy source Plant must be located next to water source How local environment will be impacted How water supplies downstream will be affected Can land be used more efficiently Are droughts common to area

10 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 10 Water, Hydroelectric

11 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 11 The All Powerful Sun The sun is life's greatest gift. Without the sun we would not be. Energy from the sun can power cars all the way down to our pocket calculator. –Advantages Solar energy will always be here until the end, no sun, no life Non-polluting energy source Lower maintenance due to lack of moving parts Locally produced –Disadvantages High startup cost Panels must be open to sunlight, power not produced at night or on cloudy days

12 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 12 Considerations for Solar Energy What type of initial expenditures are available. Obstructions that will block sun light

13 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 13 Solar power

14 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 14 Wood Wood has been used for centuries to heat homes in the dead of winter. Wood is readily available in most places and can be renewed by replanting –Advantages Can be replaced in 10 to 15 years, will not run out Not as environmentally unfriendly as fossil fuels Fairly abundant in most areas –Disadvantages Large area needed to grow resource 10 to 15 years to replenish Storage of wood is a problem

15 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 15

16 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 16

17 END technology Instructor, teacher, educator Friday, July 08, 2016Copy right Kevin Ottley 17

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