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Instruction for 04/14/15 You need to copy the notes on the seed into your notebook. I will check tomorrow and you will receive a 100 for a participation.

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Presentation on theme: "Instruction for 04/14/15 You need to copy the notes on the seed into your notebook. I will check tomorrow and you will receive a 100 for a participation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instruction for 04/14/15 You need to copy the notes on the seed into your notebook. I will check tomorrow and you will receive a 100 for a participation grade if it is complete. You will earn a ZERO if it is not COMPLETE. When you are done you are to then do the crossword Puzzle_this will be a classwork grade.

2 Seeds EQ: How do seed structures help develop new plants?

3 Seeds Results from sexual reproduction and is formed by a flower. Contain a fertilized embryo that will form a new plant They contain 1 or 2 food storage areas. Easily dispersed by wind, water and animals

4 Provides protection prevents seed from drying out. Over time a mature plant will develop From the embryo. Cotyledon: provides Food for the embryo when it germinates. DRAW into your notebooks.

5 What is Dormancy? Dormancy is a period of time when a seed remains inactive. Dormant seeds can lay on the ground until spring.

6 What is Germination? Germination is the early stage of seed growth. The roots grow down and the stem and leaves grow up. The seed will become a mature plant which will produce more plants.

7 Germination Illustration

8 04/14/15 When you are done copying the notes on seeds, then you will need to complete the Crossword puzzle. The crossword puzzle will be graded. This will be a classwork grade. I will be checking to make sure you complete all these notes. This will count towards a participation grade.

9 Seed Video 1)Watch video and observe what is taking place. 2)Watch video and write down your observations in your notebook NOZI NOZI

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