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ACFHP Science Projects October 25, 2012 Advancing Fish Habitat Science Through Whitewater to Bluewater Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "ACFHP Science Projects October 25, 2012 Advancing Fish Habitat Science Through Whitewater to Bluewater Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACFHP Science Projects October 25, 2012 Advancing Fish Habitat Science Through Whitewater to Bluewater Collaboration

2 ACFHP Science Projects Assessment of Existing Habitat Information ▫ Species – Habitat Matrix ▫ North Atlantic LCC/Downstream Strategies Habitat Assessment

3 Database of documents, data sets, and information portals on Atlantic coastal fish species and habitats. Assessment of Existing Habitat Information: Overview NH Natural Heritage Program  Bibliographic and Assessment Databases  GIS Framework  Now Available: Project Report, NOAA Tech Memo, and Web-based Query Tools http ://

4 AEI: Bibliographic Database  Over 500 entries  Synoptic assessments  Local and regional assessments and management plans

5  Over 200 entries yielding indicator, threat, or action information  Parameter and value recorded in separate table by waterbody and reference  Habitat Assessments and Conservation Plan documents provide the richest sources of “policy- relevant” information AEHI: Assessment Database

6 AEHI:Web-Based Query Tools

7 AEHI:Web-Based Query Tools

8 What is the Species Habitat Matrix The Species Habitat Matrix is: An assessment of the importance of coastal & inland habitats for each of four life stages of selected fish species in terms of: ▫ Shelter ▫ Direct trophic links ▫ Spawning ▫ Nurseries

9 Habitat and Species Selection Over 100 Different Species Across Four Subregions: ASMFC-managed species Council-managed species with life stages occurring within 3-mile state limit All other native diadromous species Select state-managed species and unmanaged species Not included: ▫ Bivalves (counted as habitat). ▫ Species with no marine or estuarine life stage.

10 Habitat and Species Selection Shellfish aggregations: ▫ Oyster reef ▫ Hard clam beds ▫ Scallop beds ▫ Dead shell accumulations Other sessile fauna: ▫ Primary coral reef architecture ▫ Patch reef, soft coral, anemones. ▫ Live rock Macroalgae: Fucus, Ulva, Laminaria, Sargassum. Jaclyn Daly / NOAA NOAA / Department of Commerce

11 Habitat and Species Selection Submerged aquatic vegetation: ▫ Tidal fresh and oligohaline spp. ▫ Mesohaline and polyhaline spp. Tidal vegetation: ▫ Saltwater/brackish marsh ▫ Tidal freshwater marsh ▫ Mangroves Coastal inert substrate: ▫ Loose fine bottom ▫ Loose coarse bottom ▫ Firm hard bottom ▫ Structured sand FWCC Paige Gill / NOAA / Department of Commerce

12 Habitat and Species Selection Riverine: ▫ Higher gradient headwater tributaries ▫ Lower gradient tributaries ▫ Higher gradient large mainstem rivers ▫ Lower gradient large mainstem rivers ▫ Low order coastal streams ▫ Non-tidal freshwater mussel beds ▫ Coastal headwater ponds ▫ Non-tidal freshwater marshes NOAA / Department of Commerce

13 Matrix Completion Separate matrices completed for each of four subregions to accommodate: ▫ Different species assemblages ▫ Geographic variation in habitat use (and availability) Regional leads assembled teams of experts, each assigned a set of species.

14 Matrix Completion Used published articles, grey literature, personal observations and personal communication, all documented in accompanying bibliography and notes pages. Assigned one of six ranks to each node (species life stage- habitat type combination): ▫ U = unknown ▫ Blank = not present ▫ L = Low ▫ M = Medium ▫ H = High ▫ VH = Very High

15 Matrix Review Overall goal: Minimize subjectivity Initial check: ▫ reviewed species that had rankings that varied significantly across the different sub regions ▫ ensure that any differences in scoring reflected genuine differences in habitat utilization across the four sub regions and not effects of individual biases.

16 Matrix Review Second check: ▫ A more exhaustive review of all matrices was completed by a review work group. ▫ Consisted of project team members as well as additional external experts. ▫ In the absence of expertise and/or consensus of the scoring of a specific species by the workgroup, external species specialists also reviewed.

17 Matrix Scoring & Analysis L/M/H/VH ranks converted to: ▫ 1/2/3.5/4 values Ranked habitats in terms of: ▫ Category/type with highest overall score ▫ Highest juvenile/YOY life stage score (nursery) ▫ Highest # of H/VH ▫ Highest # of L/M ▫ Highest # any rank ▫ Ratio of H/VH to L/M

18 Matrix Results Snapshot


20 Matrix Products Now Available: Summary Report Next Steps: Developing a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and identifying format for distributing data online.

21 Emily Greene ACFHP Coordinator Caroly Shumway ACFHP Science and Data Working Group Chair For information on ACFHP go to: For information on NFHAP go to:

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