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Digital Citizenship.  I can…. What is digital citizenship?  Think.Pair.Share.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship.  I can…. What is digital citizenship?  Think.Pair.Share."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship

2  I can….

3 What is digital citizenship?  Think.Pair.Share.

4 Digital Citizenship is….  Digital Citizenship is an idea which helps teachers, school leaders, and parents understand what student technology users should know in order to use technology in an appropriate manner.

5 Digital Student Life Video

6 What is a Digital Footprint? Think. Pair.Share.

7 Digital Footprint Defined  A digital footprint is the data that is left behind by users on digital services.  Source: footprint footprint

8 Digital Footprint Video

9 Class Discussion  Discuss the importance of a digital footprint as it relates to social media, photos, videos, blogs, and e-mail.

10 Social Media  Social networking sites such as Facebook™, Instagram™, and Twitter™ are popular among students and adults. These websites allow users to communicate, as well as, share information. Also, these websites may be accessed anywhere there is an Internet connection. This includes smartphones, tablets, and computers. All social media users need to be mindful of information they share on these sites to protect their identity.

11 Social Media Safety Video

12 Cyber Bullying  Cyberbullying is bullying which occurs by the means of using electronic technology devices. This includes cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, messaging, texting, and chatting.  SOURCE:

13 Cyber Bullying Examples  Mean text messages or emails.  Rumors posted on social networking websites.  Posting embarrassing pictures or videos.  Creating fake websites or profiles.

14 Cyber Bullying Video

15 Learning Activity

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