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WebXpress for Parents Helping those helicopter parents land!

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2 WebXpress for Parents Helping those helicopter parents land!

3 Who is Stevenson University? 1947 - Villa Julie Founded by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur as a medical/secretarial school for women. 1972 – College became co-ed 1996 – Began offering MS degrees 2000 – New president, Dr. Kevin Manning 2006 – Had built an entire second campus of 15 building. 2008 – Renamed Stevenson University



6 The numbers Enrollment »Full-time 2,570 »Part-time enrollment 184 »Grad. and Professional school 681 »Resident students 1,250






12 Why did we do it????? We didn’t want this -

13 We wanted this –

14 What does each “side” want? Stevenson University Less phone calls Fewer arguments Money $ Give information Parents Information




18 Little Mermaid is not in the PERSON file. Registrar’s Office staff member runs a report each morning to identify any that were not assigned a password. She then enters them in the PERSON file. The student then receives an email notifying them that the new person has been set up The student then returns to WebXpress and “allows” that person access.

19 Stevenson School ID: xxxxxxxx. Dear Jennifer, Your student has given you access to view the data that is available on WebXpress for Parents. This data is for viewing purposes only. If additional information is needed, the student must complete a FERPA form in order to release more specific information. This form is available in the Registrar's Office. FERPA regulations state that a student may remove access to their educational record at any time. You can access WebXpress by going the and following these simple directions.




23 Stevenson School ID: xxxxxxx Dear Donald, Please be advised, your student has removed your access to WebXpress.

24 FOR THE PROGRAMMERS… How did we make it happen?

25 original idea for system inspired by MY ADVISEES for students, lists to choose from already existed started with parents, added list of “Others” later needed a list of the people who were given permission for each student needed a list of students who gave permission for each parent

26 PERSON.USER fields –1 for student’s record – who they gave permission –2 for parent’s record – who has given permission and status –multi-valued to allow for multiple students 4 possible statuses

27 process run every night to give access –Select all parent records with status equal to be assigned –Run process to create registry accounts –Run process to update Communications Mgmt. codes and docs. –Run process to send email with directions to parents –Run process to remove LTREQ records –Change status from “To be assigned” to “Assigned” –Parent is not removed from registry and account remains active.

28 process run every night to remove access –Select all parent records with status equal to be removed –Run process to update Communications Mgmt. –Run process to send email to parents –Run process to remove LTREQ records –Change status from ‘To be removed’ to ‘Removed’ student’s id and status code are not removed from parent’s record

29 processes are custom versions of existing programs –DMIU –DMP –DLTR Used custom versions to eliminate bar graphs and make main programs into subroutines


31 Presented by Jennifer Simmons, Registrar’s Office Systems Administrator - - 443-334-2206 Bernie Maygers, Senior Programmer/Analyst - - 443-334-2226

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