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Governance Assessments and Social Accountability Angelita Gregorio-Medel ANSA-EAP October 2011, Oslo.

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Presentation on theme: "Governance Assessments and Social Accountability Angelita Gregorio-Medel ANSA-EAP October 2011, Oslo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governance Assessments and Social Accountability Angelita Gregorio-Medel ANSA-EAP October 2011, Oslo

2 Governance Assessment tools applied in participatory approaches Needs Assessment Mobilization Negotiation Monitoring

3 Examining governance assessment tools All of the tools build social accountability by the practice of active participation. Governance assessment tools make for more informed citizen action More effective when stakeholders engage each other constructively (sustained dialogues and creative problem solving)

4 Creating meaningful citizen participation through SAc Social accountability (SAc) is constructive engagement x citizen monitoring SAc = (CE x CM) a Organized and capable citizen groups Responsive government Access to information Context and cultural appropriateness

5 Tools for governance assessment and SAc Citizen report cards Citizen charters Integrity pacts Community-based monitoring Procurement monitoring Information-Communication- Technology

6 Communities + ICT Online platform to enhance transparency and access Community mobilization to validate info

7 Lessons in SAc Practice constructive engagement helps citizens to access information and vice-versa. community monitoring and evaluation is more effective if it is done by organized & capable citizen groups

8 community monitoring and assessment initiatives o Make for a more compelling and credible advocacy based on evidence o Provide grounded and sharper analysis o Link claimed accomplishments to outcomes and results o Clarify messages to targeted publics o Help set up clear and simple engagement protocols: linking with the media and formal process to hold government to account o Mobilizes more participants

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