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Chapter 28 Protists
Protist is the informal name of the kingdom of mostly unicellular eukaryotes
Advances in eukaryotic systematics have caused the classification of protists to change significantly Protists constitute a paraphyletic group, and Protista is no longer valid as a kingdom
Concept 28.1: Diversity of Single-celled Organisms
Protists are eukaryotes and thus have organelles and complexity than prokaryotes Most are unicellular, but some are colonial and multicellular species
Protist habitats are also diverse in habitat
Protists, the most structurally and nutritionally diverse of all eukaryotes, include Photoautotrophs, which contain chloroplasts Heterotrophs, which absorb or ingest food particles Mixotrophs, which combine photosynthesis and heterotrophy Protist habitats are also diverse in habitat Reproduction and life cycles include sexual and asexual species
Endosymbiosis in Eukaryotic Evolution
There is now considerable evidence that much protist diversity has its origins in endosymbiosis Endosymbiosis is the process in which a unicellular organism engulfs another cell, which becomes an endosymbiont and then organelle in the host cell Mitochondria evolved by endosymbiosis of an aerobic prokaryote Plastids evolved by endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic cyanobacterium
Our understanding of the relationships among protist groups continues to change rapidly
One hypothesis divides all eukaryotes (including protists) into five supergroups
Concept 28.2: Excavates include protists with modified mitochondria and protists with unique flagella The clade Excavata is characterized by its cytoskeleton Some members have a feeding groove This controversial group includes the diplomonads, parabasalids, and euglenozoans
(a) Giardia intestinalis, a diplomonad (colorized SEM)
Diplomonads Have two nuclei and multiple flagella Derive energy anaerobically, for example, by glycolysis Figure 28.5a 5 µm (a) Giardia intestinalis, a diplomonad (colorized SEM)
Parabasalids include trichomonads
Which move by means of flagella and an undulating part of the plasma membrane Figure 28.5b (b) Trichomonas vaginalis, a parabasalid (colorized SEM)
Euglenozoa is a diverse clade that includes
Predatory heterotrophs, photosynthetic autotrophs, and pathogenic parasites The main feature that distinguishes protists in this clade Is the presence of a spiral or crystalline rod of unknown function inside their flagella This clade includes the kinetoplastids and euglenids Flagella 0.2 µm Crystalline rod Ring of microtubules Figure 28.6
The parasitic kinetoplastid Trypanosoma
Kinetoplastids Have a single, large mitochondrion that contains an organized mass of DNA called a kinetoplast Include free-living consumers of bacteria in freshwater, marine, and moist terrestrial ecosystems The parasitic kinetoplastid Trypanosoma Causes sleeping sickness in humans Figure 28.7 9 m
Euglenids, Euglena Have one or two flagella that emerge from a pocket at one end of the cell Figure 28.8 Long flagellum Short flagellum Nucleus Plasma membrane Paramylon granule Chloroplast Contractile vacuole Light detector: swelling near the base of the long flagellum; detects light that is not blocked by the eyespot; as a result, Euglena moves toward light of appropriate intensity, an important adaptation that enhances photosynthesis Eyespot: pigmented organelle that functions as a light shield, allowing light from only a certain direction to strike the light detector Pellicle: protein bands beneath the plasma membrane that provide strength and flexibility (Euglena lacks a cell wall) Euglena (LM) 5 µm
Concept 28.3 Chromalveolates
Some data suggest that the clade Chromalveolata is monophyletic and originated by a secondary endosymbiosis event The proposed endosymbiont is a red alga This clade is controversial and includes the alveolates and the stramenopiles
Members of the clade Alveolata have membrane-bounded sacs (alveoli) just under the plasma membrane
The function of the alveoli is unknown Alveolata includes the dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliates
Dinoflagellates Are a diverse group of aquatic photoautotrophs and heterotrophs Are abundant components of both marine and freshwater phytoplankton Two flagella make them spin as they move through the water Figure 28.10 3 µm Flagella
Rapid growth of some dinoflagellates
Is responsible for causing “red tides,” which can be toxic to humans, Pfiesteria piscicida
Apicomplexans, Plasmodium
The apicomplexan Plasmodium is the parasite that causes malaria Plasmodium requires both mosquitoes and humans to complete its life cycle Approximately 2 million people die each year from malaria Efforts are ongoing to develop vaccines that target this pathogen
Ciliates, a large varied group of protists, Paramecium
Are named for their use of cilia and have a large macronuclei and small micronuclei
Stramenopiles Most stramenopiles
Includes several groups of heterotrophs as well as certain groups of algae Most stramenopiles Have a “hairy” flagellum paired with a “smooth” flagellum Smooth flagellum Hairy 5 µm Figure 28.13
Diatoms are unicellular algae
With a unique two-part, glass-like wall of hydrated silica Accumulations of fossilized diatom walls compose much of the sediments known as diatomaceous earth Figure 28.15 3 µm
The cells of golden algae
Are named for their color, which results from their yellow and brown carotenoids The cells of golden algae Are typically biflagellated, with both flagella attached near one end of the cell Most golden algae are unicellular But some are colonial Figure 28.17 25 µm
Brown algae, or phaeophytes
Are the largest and most complex algae Are all multicellular, and most are marine Include many of the species commonly called seaweeds Figure 28.18 Blade Stipe Holdfast
Kelps, or giant seaweeds
Live in deep parts of the ocean Figure 28.19
Oomycetes include water molds, white rusts, and downy mildews
They were once considered fungi based on morphological studies Most oomycetes are decomposers or parasites Their ecological impact can be great, as in potato blight caused by Phytophthora infestans
Concept 28.4: Rhizarians DNA evidence supports Rhizaria as a monophyletic clade Amoebas move and feed by pseudopodia; some but not all belong to the clade Rhizaria Rhizarians include forams and radiolarians
Radiolarians are marine protists
Whose tests are fused into one delicate piece, which is generally made of silica That phagocytose microorganisms with their pseudopodia The pseudopodia of radiolarians, known as axopodia Radiate from the central body Figure 28.23 200 µm Axopodia
Concept 28.5 Archaeplastida
Over a billion years ago, a heterotrophic protist acquired a cyanobacterial endosymbiont The photosynthetic descendants of this ancient protist evolved into red algae and green algae Archaeplastida is a supergroup used by some scientists and includes red algae, green algae, and land plants
Red algae (Rhodophyta) are reddish in color
Due to an accessory pigment call phycoerythrin, which masks the green of chlorophyll Are usually multicellular; the largest are seaweeds Are the most abundant large algae in coastal waters of the tropics Figure 28.28a–c (a) Bonnemaisonia hamifera. This red alga has a filamentous form. Dulse (Palmaria palmata). This edible species has a “leafy” form. (b) A coralline alga. The cell walls of coralline algae are hardened by calcium carbonate. Some coralline algae are members of the biological communities around coral reefs. (c)
Many seaweeds Are important commodities for humans
Are harvested for food Figure 28.20a–c (a) The seaweed is grown on nets in shallow coastal waters. (b) A worker spreads the harvested sea- weed on bamboo screens to dry. (c) Paper-thin, glossy sheets of nori make a mineral-rich wrap for rice, seafood, and vegetables in sushi.
Green algae Are named for their grass-green chloroplasts
Are divided into two main groups: chlorophytes and charophyceans (chapter 29) Are closely related to land plants
Most chlorophytes Other chlorophytes
Live in fresh water, although many are marine Other chlorophytes Live in damp soil, as symbionts in lichens, or in snow
Chlorophytes include Unicellular, colonial, and multicellular forms
Volvox, a colonial freshwater chlorophyte. The colony is a hollow ball whose wall is composed of hundreds or thousands of biflagellated cells (see inset LM) embedded in a gelatinous matrix. The cells are usually connected by strands of cytoplasm; if isolated, these cells cannot reproduce. The large colonies seen here will eventually release the small “daughter” colonies within them (LM). (a) Caulerpa, an inter- tidal chlorophyte. The branched fila- ments lack cross-walls and thus are multi- nucleate. In effect, the thallus is one huge “supercell.” (b) Ulva, or sea lettuce. This edible seaweed has a multicellular thallus differentiated into leaflike blades and a rootlike holdfast that anchors the alga against turbulent waves and tides. (c) 20 µm 50 µm Figure 28.30a–c
Concept 28.6: Unikonts The supergroup Unikonta includes animals, fungi, and some protists This group includes two clades: the amoebozoans and the opisthokonts (animals, fungi, and related protists) The root of the eukaryotic tree remains controversial
Amoebozoans Are amoebas that have lobe-shaped, rather than threadlike, pseudopodia Include gymnamoebas, entamoebas, and slime molds
Concept 28.7: Protists play key roles in ecological communities
Protists are found in diverse aquatic environments Protists often play the role of symbiont or producer
Symbiotic Protists Some protist symbionts benefit their hosts
Dinoflagellates nourish coral polyps that build reefs Wood-digesting protists digest cellulose in the gut of termites
Some protists are parasitic
Plasmodium causes malaria Pfiesteria shumwayae is a dinoflagellate that causes fish kills Phytophthora ramorum causes sudden oak death
Photosynthetic Protists
Many protists are important producers that obtain energy from the sun In aquatic environments, photosynthetic protists and prokaryotes are the main producers In aquatic environments, photosynthetic protists are limited by nutrients These populations can explode when limiting nutrients are added
Prokaryotic producers
Figure 28.27 Other consumers Herbivorous plankton Carnivorous plankton Figure Protists: key producers in aquatic communities. Protistan producers Prokaryotic producers
Figure 28.UN06 Figure 28.UN06 Summary table, Concepts 28.2–28.6
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