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TRANSITIONS: POLISHING PARAGRAPHS Companion to the Prentice Hall Reference Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSITIONS: POLISHING PARAGRAPHS Companion to the Prentice Hall Reference Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSITIONS: POLISHING PARAGRAPHS Companion to the Prentice Hall Reference Guide

2 Transitions  Transitions are words, phrases, or statements that provide links and logical connections between ideas.  Transitions can help to improve the clarity and “flow” of your writing.  Effective use of transitions can also promote your authority in a paper.

3 Transitions  Transitions can be used to connect ideas between sentences.  They can also be used to connect ideas between paragraphs.

4 Missing transitions can result in  Choppy writing  Unconnected or disjointed ideas  Confusing explanations  Unpersuasive and illogical arguments.

5 Transitions to indicate additions  last  again  and then  likewise  similarly  first  second  third  and  besides  in addition  also  too  moreover  further  furthermore  finally

6 Transitions to indicate additions American high school students need to study more math and science in order to compete in today’s global marketplace. Furthermore, these students also need a background in computer technology to meet international communication needs.

7 Transitions to indicate time  after this  at last  since then  presently  temporarily  after a short time  at the same time  in the meantime  meanwhile  soon  later  afterward  now  in the past  then  next  before  during  while  finally

8 Transitions to indicate time Before bird flu is detected in the United States, local government agencies need to develop preparation and response strategies. As soon as a case of bird flu is detected, first-response teams need to take swift action to prevent the rapid spread of the disease.

9 Transitions to signal a comparison  similarly  likewise  in like manner  at the same time  in the same way  another

10 Transitions to signal a comparison Anorexic patients commonly suffer from low self-esteem. Likewise, bulimic patients experience similar self-image issues.

11 Transitions to indicate contrast  but  yet  however  still  nevertheless  on the other hand  on the contrary  in contrast  conversely  in another sense  instead  rather  notwithstanding  though  whereas  after all  although  despite

12 Transitions to indicate contrast Despite the high costs of gasoline, many motorists still continue to purchase sport-utility vehicles with low gas mileage.

13 Transitions to indicate examples  for example  for instance  to illustrate  that is  namely  specifically

14 Transitions to indicate examples In recent years, several celebrities have ventured into the political arena. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura, and Ronald Reagan have all served as governors.

15 Transitions to indicate cause-and- effect relationships  thus  therefore  consequently  because of this  hence  as a result  then  so  accordingly

16 Transitions to indicate cause-and- effect relationships Health care costs have risen dramatically in the last five years. As a result, some major American corporations, unable to afford the high costs of health benefits, have downsized their American workforces.

17 Transitions to conclude or summarize  after all  finally  in sum  for these reasons  in brief  on the whole  as it has been noted  consequently  in conclusion  that is  as has been said  in general  to recapitulate  to conclude  in other words  thus  therefore  accordingly

18 Transitions to conclude or summarize The devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina revealed the nation’s state of unpreparedness for a natural disaster or terrorist event. Therefore, Congressional representatives need to consider the steps America must take to become disaster-ready.

19 Transitions between paragraphs  Offering transitions between paragraphs helps your reader to follow the logical reasoning or timeline of your paper.  Transitions guide your reader through shifts in topic or perspective.

20 Transitions between paragraphs  Provide “old” information first to ease your reader into “new” information.  Use appropriate transition words to show comparison, contrast, additions, or cause-and-effect relationships.

21 Transitions between paragraphs  Place the transitional phrase at the beginning of a paragraph to lead into your new idea.  Create an introductory phrase or clause that precedes your independent clause.

22 Transitions between paragraphs  To create a transition between paragraphs on two different topics, try including a sentence that has an introductory clause followed by an independent clause. Reference to Topic A, topic sentence on Topic B. Paragraph on Topic A Paragraph on Topic B Reference to Topic A,

23 Transitions between paragraphs  The introductory clause makes a reference back to the previous paragraph, and the independent clause establishes a topic sentence for your following paragraph. Reference to Topic A, Paragraph on Topic A Paragraph on Topic B Reference to Topic A,topic sentence on Topic B.

24 Transitions between paragraphs  In a paper exploring ways that work and living spaces can be made more environmentally friendly, consider how a transitional statement at the beginning of the second paragraph can hook these two paragraphs together. Reference to Topic A, Paragraph on the ways that individual homeowners can make their houses more environmentally friendly Paragraph on the strategies corporations can use to create more environmentally friendly work environments Reference to Topic A,topic sentence on Topic B.

25 Transitions between paragraphs  This transitional sentence incorporates the main idea from the first paragraph in the introductory clause and the main idea from the second paragraph in the independent clause. Paragraph on the strategies corporations can use to create more environmentally friendly work environments Paragraph on the ways that individual homeowners can make their houses more environmentally friendly While corporations can employ many strategies for creating environmentally friendly work environments, individual homeowners also have many options for converting their houses into living spaces that save energy and conserve natural resources.

26 Transitions  Use transitions to connect ideas between sentences and between paragraphs.  Transitions will help your readers follow the logic of your writing.  Effective use of transitions will also help your readers see you as a skilled, credible writer.

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