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Introduction to Fellowships & Scholarships Diane Flynn, Director of National & International Scholarships Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Fellowships & Scholarships Diane Flynn, Director of National & International Scholarships Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Fellowships & Scholarships Diane Flynn, Director of National & International Scholarships Presentation to UROP 20 June 2016

2 Who I am and what I do Which students I can best assist Opportunities specific to research BU internal awards Where you can find more information Q&A What will today’s presentation cover?

3 Full-time role created in May 2015, reporting to Sue Kennedy, who previously advised as part of her role as Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs Physics undergrad + MBA 3 years working in Japan, 19 years studying/working in the UK Professional experience = pharmaceutical sales, technology transfer in aerospace/space industry, strategy and change management consultant to private, public, not-for-profit sectors Where did I come from? Worked for 7 years in the UK as a trustee to the Marshall Scholarship program, creating their current selection criteria and processes. Have worked with 4 regional selection committees in the US, including Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, and, currently, New York.

4 Work with current BU undergraduate/graduate students and recent alumni to access merit-based, highly competitive scholarships and fellowships Identify and encourage students to apply for appropriate opportunities Discuss the types of experiences that will help them be competitive applicants Focus career goals and next steps after BU Help manage timelines and application processes Review and give feedback on application materials, prepare candidates for interviews Manage internal competitions and endorse students when needed Celebrate with successful applicants, encourage unsuccessful applicants What do I do – with students?

5 Must have: Current enrollment at BU (freshman – senior, graduate student) or alumni status High academic achievement- usually GPA 3.2/3.7+ Potential for leadership or future impact in their chosen field Which students can I best assist? Nice to have: Clear and focused career goals Second language skills or an ability to work across cultures A track record of activity outside the classroom A passion about something While many opportunities are for US citizens, there are some competitions open to international students.

6 Which opportunities are specific to research? Udall Scholarship: Open to sophomore/junior students with GPA 3.5+ Provides $7K funding for undergraduate academic expenses For Native Americans, tribal studies, or environmental studies Application opens Oct, internal BU deadline Jan We can nominate 8 students/year US citizens Goldwater Scholarship: Open to sophomore/junior students with GPA 3.7+ Provides $7.5K funding for undergraduate studies For STEM majors with an interest in pursuing a research-based PhD Application opens in autumn, internal BU deadline end Nov We can nominate 4 students/year US citizens

7 Beinecke Scholarship: Open to junior students with GPA 3.7+ Provides $34K funding for research- based graduate studies For humanities, social sciences, arts students with financial need Application opens Oct, internal BU deadline Jan We can nominate 1 student/year US citizens Which opportunities are specific to research?

8 NSF-GRFP: Open to graduating seniors and grad students Provides stipend and tuition assistance for 3 out of 5 years of PhD studies For STEM and social sciences Application opens July, deadline Oct US citizens Which opportunities are specific to research? Fulbright US Student Program: Open to graduating seniors/grad students with GPA 3.0+ Provides funding for up to a year of research overseas For all fields Application opens Mar, internal BU deadline Aug US citizens

9 What does BU offer? Provost’s Scholars Award: Open to sophomore students with GPA 3.0+ Provides $1K funding for research/creative pursuits For students who have taken risks in their first two years at BU Application opens Dec, deadline end Feb All nationalities Case/Melville Scholarships: Open to junior students with GPA 3.5+ Provides $1K-full tuition for undergraduate studies For students whose activities have contributed to BU Application opens in Dec, deadline end Feb All nationalities

10 General email: To contact Diane directly: (617) 358-5009 8 th Floor, One Silber Way Where can I learn more?

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