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It Still Comes Down To Faith!. Hebrews 11:1-3 The Definition of Faith.

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Presentation on theme: "It Still Comes Down To Faith!. Hebrews 11:1-3 The Definition of Faith."— Presentation transcript:

1 It Still Comes Down To Faith!

2 Hebrews 11:1-3 The Definition of Faith

3 Examples of Faith Abraham (Hebrews 11:8-19) Peter (1 Peter 1:6-9) Paul (Romans 8:23-25) The apostles (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

4 Our faith can be the same. The more we seek those things not seen, the easier this life will be!

5 Acts 17:21, Romans 1:25 Most of mankind put their faith in their own wisdom!

6 Now let’s look at some modern day examples where man’s wisdom does not have the answers!

7 In the Fall of 2007 an 85 pound gray wolf was seen in Shelbourne, Massachusetts. Biologists wondered how the animal could have traveled so far. If it came from Canada, it likely crossed the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, went through Maine, then navigated hundreds of miles of roads, rivers, and communities before reaching Shelbourne!

8 Polar bear populations have jumped from 5,000 in 1972 to over 20,000 today!

9 Scientists thought wolverines no longer existed in the Mountains of California until this picture was taken on February 28, 2008 by a motion-and-heat-detecting camera.

10 The Maud Island frog lives in New Zealand. Unlike other frogs, they hatch fully formed, and do not croak, live in water, or have webbed feet. Scientists believe it has changed little over 70 million years. If evolution is true, why hasn’t this frog evolved to be like other frogs?

11 In October 2007, visitors flocked to Falcon State Park in Texas. The Telea hairstreak butterfly had not been seen in the United States in over 70 years!

12 Fishing monkeys have been discovered. Here a long- tailed macaque monkey looks for fish in a river in Lesan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in September 2007. “It’s an indication of how little we know about the species.” (AP Photo/Mel White)

13 The long-whiskered owlet, one of the world’s smallest owls, was spotted in the wild in Peru for the first time in February 2006.

14 In December 2006, scientists released footage of a giant squid. These may be the first images of a live giant squid at the water’s surface!

15 On March 25, 2009 it was announced that a brilliant green tree frog with huge black eyes, jumping spiders, and a striped gecko were among 50 new animal species discovered in a remote, mountainous region of Papua, New Guinea.

16 In 1938 a Coelacanth was found off of South Africa. Some scientists believed this fish had gone extinct 66 million years ago!

17 Thought by many to be only a myth, on February 23 of 2008, a white killer whale was seen and photographed in Alaska!

18 The world’s rarest whale is so rare that nobody has seen one alive. Two spade-toothed beaked whales were identified in New Zealand in 2010. It was almost a missed opportunity, since workers misidentified them as a much more common whale and buried them.

19 In October of 2013, it took more than 15 people to help haul the catch of a lifetime out of the Pacific Ocean. Because oarfish dive more than 3,000 feet deep, sightings of the creatures are rare and they are largely unstudied.

20 In January of 2014, an extinct shark was discovered in a Kuwait fish market. The smoothtooth blacktip shark is not quite as extinct as scientists believed it to be. With more searching, 47 more specimens were found in the region.

21 Some Observations Man does not have the answers (Jeremiah 10:23) God’s wisdom is higher than man’s wisdom (Proverbs 9:10, Isaiah 55:8-9) The wise will put their faith in Jesus (Matthew 7:24)

22 True Faith is more than just believing someone We must have humility! We must put our total trust in God!

23 Have You Given Up All To Follow Him?

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