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Maine Motor Transport Association Maine Recycling & Solid Waste Conference May 4, 2016 Presented by Maine Motor Transport Association Timothy.

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Presentation on theme: "Maine Motor Transport Association Maine Recycling & Solid Waste Conference May 4, 2016 Presented by Maine Motor Transport Association Timothy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maine Motor Transport Association Maine Recycling & Solid Waste Conference May 4, 2016 Presented by Maine Motor Transport Association Timothy Doyle

2 Maine Motor Transport Association Advocacy at the State and Federal Level Programs / Services that Fit Mission Answer Questions & Consultation Meetings / Training Seminars Consistent Communication MagazineWebsiteNewsletter

3 Maine Motor Transport Association Chapter 4 - Maine State Police Rules

4 Maine Motor Transport Association Part 382 and Part 40

5 Maine Motor Transport Association Start-up date…January 1, 1995 Large Employers – 50 or more covered employees Start-up date…January 1, 1996 Small Employers – Fewer than 50 covered employees

6 Maine Motor Transport Association Basic Requirements Qualified Program Compliant Policy – including printed educational materials Pre-employment test for all drivers Driver’s must be enrolled and subject to random testing Comply with all random selections Supervisory Training – Part 382.603

7 Maine Motor Transport Association Amphetamines Phencyclidine (PCP) Opiates 6 MONO – Acetyl Morphine (Heroin)

8 Maine Motor Transport Association Alcohol Marijuana Cocaine MDMA (Ecstasy)

9 Maine Motor Transport Association Commercial Vehicle (383.5) GVWR or GCWR 26,001 if trailer exceeds 10,000 16+ Including the driver Any Size if placarded HM

10 Maine Motor Transport Association

11 Maine Motor Transport Association Part 390.3(f)(2) States and political subdivisions Exempted from Parts 390 through 399 of FMCSR’s Must comply with Parts 40, 382, and 383

12 Maine Motor Transport Association Pre-employment Random – 25% drugs and 10 % alcohol Post accident Reasonable Suspicion Return to duty Follow up

13 Maine Motor Transport Association Test only for drugs not alcohol Must have test results prior to allowing the employee to perform any safety sensitive function

14 Maine Motor Transport Association 25% of covered employees must be tested annually for drugs

15 Maine Motor Transport Association 10% of covered employees must be tested annually for alcohol

16 Maine Motor Transport Association May be percentage of company drivers or percentage of drivers in a consortium pool

17 Maine Motor Transport Association Each driver must have an equal opportunity to be selected each time the selections are made

18 Maine Motor Transport Association Must be a trained supervisor for the company Observations must be made directly by the trained supervisor Observations must be documented

19 Maine Motor Transport Association Fatal Accident CMV driver lives driver must be tested for both alcohol and drugs

20 Maine Motor Transport Association Personal injury & Tow away Accidents CMV driver MUST receive a ticket for a moving violation before testing for alcohol and drugs would be required

21 Maine Motor Transport Association Must do Immediately Must document if not done within 2 hours 8 hours for alcohol 32 hours for drugs

22 Maine Motor Transport Association If a driver has tested positive for drugs or has had an alcohol test result of 0.04 or higher the driver must be tested before returning to duty performing safety sensitive functions

23 Maine Motor Transport Association This test must be under direct observation as of 11-1-08

24 Maine Motor Transport Association You must have the test results prior to allowing the employee to perform safety sensitive functions

25 Maine Motor Transport Association If the Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) has determined that the employee has a problem with alcohol and or drugs

26 Maine Motor Transport Association The employee must be tested at least 6 times in the first twelve (12) months back to work Could be as many tests as SAP requires over a 5 year period

27 Maine Motor Transport Association These tests must be coordinated with the SAP These tests must be under direct observation as of 11-1-08

28 Maine Motor Transport Association SAP will determine if the test is for alcohol or drugs or for both

29 Maine Motor Transport Association Reporting to and or remaining on duty with an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater Possess while on duty alcohol that is not manifested as part of a shipment

30 Maine Motor Transport Association Use of alcohol while on duty Use of alcohol within four hours of going on duty to perform safety sensitive functions

31 Maine Motor Transport Association Law enforcement will put you out of service for ANY detectable amount of alcohol

32 Maine Motor Transport Association Use of alcohol for eight hours after an accident that require a post accident test or until the test is performed Refusal to submit to required alcohol and or controlled substance test

33 Maine Motor Transport Association Reports to or remains on duty when using ANY controlled substance, except used under a physician’s orders and the physician has informed the driver that the use will not effect the safe operation of a commercial vehicle Methadone is prohibited under Part 391.41

34 Maine Motor Transport Association Reports to or remaining on duty if tested positive for controlled substances

35 Maine Motor Transport Association The identity of the person designated by the employer to answer driver questions about the material The categories of the drivers who are subject to the testing

36 Maine Motor Transport Association To make it clear what period of the work day the driver is required to be on compliance with the regulations Specific conduct that is prohibited

37 Maine Motor Transport Association The circumstances under which a driver will be tested The procedures that will be used

38 Maine Motor Transport Association The requirement that a driver submit to alcohol and controlled substances tests An explanation of what constitutes a refusal to submit to a test

39 Maine Motor Transport Association The consequences for drivers found to have violated the regulation The consequences for drivers found to have an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater but less then 0.04

40 Maine Motor Transport Association Information concerning the effects of alcohol and controlled substances used on an individuals health, work and personal life, signs and symptoms of an alcohol or controlled substance problem (drivers or co-workers) and available methods of intervening when alcohol or controlled substance problem is suspected, including conformation, referral to any employee assistance program and or referral to management

41 Maine Motor Transport Association 1.Remove from driving 2.Give SAP referral 3.When cleared – “return to duty test” 4.Work with SAP regarding “follow-up testing”

42 Maine Motor Transport Association Licensed Physician (Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy) Licensed or Certified Psychologist

43 Maine Motor Transport Association Social Worker Employee Assistance Professional

44 Maine Motor Transport Association Addiction Counselor (certified by the National Association of Alcohol and Abuse Counselors Certification Committee)

45 Maine Motor Transport Association With knowledge of and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and controlled substance related disorders

46 Keep records locked Give notices in private Need to know basis – DER and Supervisor

47 Maine Motor Transport Association

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