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The Foundation of God’s Covenant – Suzerain-Vassal Treaties Week 7.

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1 The Foundation of God’s Covenant – Suzerain-Vassal Treaties Week 7

2 Goals. Analyze the relationship between Deuteronomy and Suzerain-Vassal Treaties.. Evaluate Deuteronomistic Theology as a major theme in the Pentateuch and its application in the theology of the New Testament.. Evaluate the major themes in the Pentateuch.

3 Assignment 7-1 Essay: In around 2 pages The theory of Deuteronomistic Theology states that obedience to God brings blessings and disobedience brings curses. After reading Alexander and the book of Deuteronomy, do you agree? Add a final paragraph at the end of the essay giving your interpretation of this theological position for today’s Christian Church. Due Monday (11:59pm CST)

4 Components of an essay… An “essay” for this course includes four main parts: a thesis, an overview, several supporting points, and a conclusion. The thesis is the purpose of your paper. If you can answer the question, “What’s your main idea or argument?” then you have your thesis. Please write the thesis as a sentence at the end of the introduction paragraph. This gives the reader a clear idea of the rest of the paper.

5 Components of an essay… The overview should be two paragraphs. The first paragraph should give a summary of Alexander. The second should be a brief summary of Deuteronomy. The intent is to educate the reader on the main issues and discussion points relevant to the evidence you will soon present supporting your thesis.

6 Components of an essay… Supporting points include the evidence (facts or Bible passages) you have identified to support your thesis. Good facts yield a strong thesis….weak evidence leads to a weak thesis. Typically, each supporting fact will lead to one paragraph. Because this assignment is two pages, I am expecting between three or four pieces of evidence to support your thesis.

7 Components of an essay… Your conclusion is the final component of your essay. In your conclusion, you want to reiterate your thesis, but you don’t want to just repeat words you’ve already written. This paragraph should be new writing tied closely to your previous points. Once you understand the components that make up an essay, you’ll find that organizing your thoughts becomes easier.

8 Assignment 7-2 Paper: In around 1 page Outline the sections of a traditional ancient Near Eastern suzerain-vassal treaty. After reading Deuteronomy, write a paragraph arguing whether Deuteronomy follows this outline or not – Would you conclude that Deuteronomy was written with a knowledge of this type of treaty? Due Monday (11:59pm CST)

9 Assignment 7-3 Paper: In around 1 page Based upon all the readings in the course, write a summary of what you believe is the CENTRAL THEME in the Pentateuch. How is this theme continued into the rest of the Old Testament and into the New Testament? Due Monday (11:59pm CST)

10 QUESTIONS? Global Café --- feel free to share anything of personal interest or share assignments Feel free to call or email me with questions

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