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JISCinfoNet Centre of Expertise in the Planning & Implementation of Information Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "JISCinfoNet Centre of Expertise in the Planning & Implementation of Information Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 JISCinfoNet Centre of Expertise in the Planning & Implementation of Information Systems

2 Who we are: the JISCinfoNET consortium University of Brighton London School of Economics and Political Science National Information and Learning Technologies Association University of Northumbria Queen Margaret University College Scottish Further Education Unit

3 Who we are: key staff In Newcastle Programme Director - Bernard Paton Programme Manager - Gill Ferrell MLE/VLE Manager - Jacquie Kelly Business Info Systems Manager - Patrick Bellis In Stirling National Liaison Manager - Janet Laurie In Preston FE Liaison Manager - John Burke

4 What we cover: Strategy Planning Implementation


6 Web portal with on-line access to services JISCinfoKits Self-help Guides & Briefing Papers Case Studies Reports & Articles Training Sessions Conferences, Seminars & Workshops JISC Mail discussion forum Database of products & vendors What we are producing and brokering:


8 Right of Access to Information Publication Scheme Deadline for responses Fees can be charged Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI)

9 FOI - Right of Access to Information Viewpoint of the Act Public interest - ££,£££,£££.££ Exemptions

10 FOI - Exemptions (1) 22. Information intended for future publication. 23. Information supplied by, or relating to, bodies dealing with Security matters. 24. National security. 25. Certificates under ss. 23 and 24: supplementary provisions. 26. Defence. 27. International relations. 28. Relations within the United Kingdom. 29. The economy. 30. Investigations and proceedings conducted by public authorities. 31. Law enforcement. 32. Court records, etc. 33. Audit functions.

11 FOI - Exemptions (2) 34. Parliamentary privilege. 35. Formulation of government policy, etc. 36. Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs. 37. Communications with Her Majesty, etc. and honours. 38. Health and safety. 39. Environmental information. 40. Personal information. 41. Information provided in confidence. 42. Legal professional privilege. 43. Commercial interests. 44. Prohibitions on disclosure.

12 FOI - Exemptions (3) 21. Information accessible to applicant by other means. 22. Information intended for future publication. 23. Information supplied by, or relating to, bodies dealing with Security matters.

13 FOI - Exemptions (4) 30. Investigations and proceedings conducted by public authorities. 31. Law enforcement. 32. Court records, etc. 33. Audit functions.

14 FOI - Exemptions (5) 36. Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs. 38. Health and safety. 39. Environmental information. 40. Personal information.

15 FOI - Exemptions (6) 41. Information provided in confidence. 43. Commercial interests. 44. Prohibitions on disclosure.

16 FOI - Publication Schemes Must list all information stored and to be published Must say where and when it is to be published Must detail how (in what format) it will be published Whether fees chargeable

17 Freedom of Information Act 2002 Strategic Approach Structured response process Records Management & culture Cover & engage all record creators

18 Freedom of Information Act 2002 Requests Must be in writing or electronic form Audio Video Email SMS ???


20 Freedom of Information Act 2002 Barriers to implementation Cost of implementation Lack of awareness / training Poor records management Culture


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