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Egyptians-Nile-3100 BC Longest empire ever 3000 years -King Menes- 1 st pharoah Gods:Osiris, Isis, Amon, Anubis Cats-sphinx -papyrus for writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Egyptians-Nile-3100 BC Longest empire ever 3000 years -King Menes- 1 st pharoah Gods:Osiris, Isis, Amon, Anubis Cats-sphinx -papyrus for writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egyptians-Nile-3100 BC Longest empire ever 3000 years -King Menes- 1 st pharoah Gods:Osiris, Isis, Amon, Anubis Cats-sphinx -papyrus for writing

2 King Cheops-pyramids pronounced Keops Egyptian Empire lasted longest in world-3000 years -Mummies -Hieroglyphs- using symbols to communicate Rosetta Stone-stone found to decipher hieroglyphs Papyrus

3 Mesopotamia-Middle East Between Tigris and Euphrates Babylonians, Sumerians, Assyrians Ninevah# 2 city Babylon- capitol Sumerian s, Assyrian s Used clay to commu nicate

4 Mesopotamia continued Ziggurats -7 days and names based on planets- Worshipped sun/moon -Tower of Babel King Nebuchadnezzar- water and cisterns

5 Jews Between Egypt and Mesopotamia Only 1 God Old Testament Moses leads out of bondage and to promised land Kept apart the were different Capital-Jerusalem Hammurabi=lawyer/strict laws- some in Bible

6 Pheonicians Lived near the Jews but were traders not warriors and liked to write letters to others and to home Invented the alphabet that we use today

7 Greeks- Trojan War- stories Ajax, Hector, Odysseus, Paris Homer wrote the tales down & called Iliad

8 Greek-cont.-Island of Crete Individual provinces- Ionian, Dorian tribes, warlike-like American Indians Ionian tribe moved north for room made city of Athens Crete most advanced and powerful

9 Persians(Iran)-Mountain People 500-550 BC -100s years dominated by Assyrians & Babylonians Cyrus-Persian/tired of being conquered Conquers Babylonia/frees all slaves-continues to Egypt Ends Egyptian rule

10 Persians cont-King Darius Darius vs Miltiades Persian v Greeks Fought at Marathon,Pers ians outnumbered Greeks 8-1 Marathon run- Athens is saved Persians-(king Xerxes) go after Spartans kill 300

11 Greeks again-Acropolis United by sports and religion Sporting games- every 4 years Beautiful architecture

12 India 2500BC Caste system Brahma Guatam Buddha-”The Enlightened One” Nirvana

13 China-2500BC Paper first invented here Confuscius: The right way of living together - courtesy/respect/obedie nce

14 Greeks again Athens vs Sparta=Peloponnesian War

15 Alexander the Great Tutor-Aristotle Macedonia Gordian Knot-master of world Conquers Greece, Persia, and part of India Makes Babylon capitol Dies when 32-Generals begin fight

16 Romans-Italy 2 consuls Patrician and Plebians

17 Carthaginian -Hannibal- elephants- Alps End of Carthage

18 Known for: aquaducts, Gladiators, Colosseum -Julius Ceasar-”I came, I saw, I conquered” takes over France (called Gaul then) -Ceasar, calendar, July, August- Jesus born at this time Assassinated by friends-Brutus -Romance languages French and Spanish -Adoptive son Augustus after-1 st title Roman Emperor-Laurel -Nero after that-Monster-kills all Christians

19 Romans cont. Emperor Constantine 313AD Ruled from Constantinople Istanbul, Turkey today Christianity becomes official religion of Rome -By 439 AD German tribes & conquer some Attila the Hun

20 Attila the Hun (from Asia) attacks Rome line Pope Leo persuades him to go Germanic tribes continue to attack & take over all of Rome This starts a new era called the “Middle Ages” 476 AD means antiquity and modern times

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