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60’s. 1960 Election The Republican Party nominated Richard M. Nixon while the Democrats nominated John F. Kennedy, the junior Senator from Massachusetts.

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1 60’s

2 1960 Election

3 The Republican Party nominated Richard M. Nixon while the Democrats nominated John F. Kennedy, the junior Senator from Massachusetts. Eventually, Kennedy was elected with a lead of 112,827 votes, or 0.1% of the popular vote, giving him a victory of 303 to 219 in the Electoral College, the closest since 1916. Kennedy’s election was primarily due to: – an economic recession –17 million more registered Democrats than Republicans, –the votes that Kennedy gained among Catholics practically matched the votes Nixon gained among Protestants –Kennedy's better organization, and Kennedy's superior campaigning skills. –Nixon wasted energy by campaigning in all 50 states instead of concentrating on the swing states. –Kennedy used his well-funded campaign organization, secured endorsements of the last of the big-city bosses –Kennedy relied on Johnson to hold the South –used television effectively. This was the first televised presidential race. He looked great on television. The debates were decided by visuals. Those that watched the debates thought Kennedy won, those that listened on radio thought Nixon won.

4 Kennedy and Nixon You cannot find any two people more different and at the same time so alike. Nixon was born poor, struggled to become famous, was neurotic, paranoid and a confirmed Cold Warrior Nixon was a lifelong supporter of conservative Republican platforms He was elected to Congress in 1948 in one of the most vicious mudslinging campaigns in California history He was picked by Eisenhower to be vice president after he had convicted Alger Hiss on perjury charges He was revealed to have a secret fund to finance his lifestyle that was maintained by rich industrialists. He was able to stay on the 1952 ticket by making the “Checkers Speech”.

5 Kennedy and Nixon Kennedy was born fabulously wealthy, became famous by making a mistake, was shallow, promiscious and a confirmed Cold Warrrior. He was born to the Kennedy fortune, did not know there was a Great Depression until he read about it in college at Harvard in 1939 He commanded the PT 109 in the South Pacific and was given a Silver Star for rescuing shipmates after a Japanese destroyer rammed their boat. He returned to Boston and was immediately elected in a district controlled by his father. As a Congressman and Senator he was usually referred to as “furniture” by journalists.

6 Kennedy Administration As a minority president, Kennedy made a number of promises to Civil Rights leaders, members of Congress

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