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Presented by: Katie Shirk, Exec Director of SISS Rebecca Anders, Secondary Supervisor Hallie Snyder, Curriculum Coordinator Birmingham Public Schools Inspiring.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Katie Shirk, Exec Director of SISS Rebecca Anders, Secondary Supervisor Hallie Snyder, Curriculum Coordinator Birmingham Public Schools Inspiring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Katie Shirk, Exec Director of SISS Rebecca Anders, Secondary Supervisor Hallie Snyder, Curriculum Coordinator Birmingham Public Schools Inspiring all learners to positively impact their world.


3 Course Catalogs Seaholm Course Catalog – Seaholm 2015-2016 Course Catalog Groves Class of 2019/9 th grade Planning Guide – Groves 2016-2017 Course Catalog

4 IEP Team “Course of Study” determination interfaces with PC Districts must afford students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in diploma track and to graduate with a district diploma Does require an “individualized consideration as to whether students with disabilities would benefit from a personal curriculum before determining whether they should be placed on a certificate track.”

5 The IEP Supports the PC “The intent of the IEP is to support access to and achievement in the general curriculum, not to make exceptions to it…. The overarching purpose of the IEP is to identify appropriate supports, accommodations, and modifications necessary to allow the pupil to progress in meeting the requirements of the MMC or in the personal curriculum. It is not the function of the IEP… to determine or modify graduation requirements.” MDE Q & A, p. 59

6 What is a Personal Curriculum (PC) An option that students/families can explore as a way to modify certain Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC)graduation requirements. Intended to meet individual learning needs, allow students to earn a high school diploma, and provide preparation for life after high school. Modifications must be consistent with a students IEP and Educational Development Plan (EDP) MMC sets “default” (core) requirements PC does not reduce graduation requirements, but it can alter a sequence of credits and how a requirement is fulfilled. Examples: PC’s can modify the Algebra II content. PC’s can assist students in fulfilling the foreign language requirement

7 What's New: The PC updates (effective Spring 2015) are as follows; If requested by the allowable parties, a PC must be developed. The developed PC still needs to be agreed upon by the parent or legal guardian and the superintendent or school designee before taking effect. The group of individuals that develops the PC must now include a teacher OR guidance counselor. This teacher should be directly educating the student and have expertise in the subject area being modified. An in-person meeting is no longer required. A student using a PC for the Algebra II content must now complete at least 1 math credit during his or her final 2 years of school. This rule previously stated that the student had to complete a math course in his or her final year.

8 What’s New cont. Students may substitute a formal Career and Technical Education (CTE) program (regardless of content) for up to 1 credit of social studies; 1 credit of health and physical education; and 1 credit of visual, performing, or applied arts. The department or any school district shall not limit or discourage the number of students with a PC on any basis other than the best interest of each individual student. Schools shall provide an annual notice to parents or guardians explaining the PC and that all students are entitled to a PC. This notice-shall also be posted on the school's public website.

9 Districts cannot opt out of providing Personal Curriculums! TO REVIEW: Why might a student require a PC? The student wishes to go beyond the MMC requirements by taking more math, science, ELA or world language credits The student wishes to modify math requirements The student transfer into the State mid- stream in his/her high school career The student with an IEP needs to modify credit requirements based on disability

10 The MMC law names specific persons as authorized PC “requesters”. Parent or legal guardian Current teacher or teacher with expertise/relevant knowledge in subject area proposed to be modified Student’s counselor or school employee qualified to act in counseling role Student if 18, or emancipated minor

11 IEP Team Should Not… Decide whether to grant PC Create alternative graduation options Grant or guarantee credit Include curriculum modifications below MMC and/or PC requirements for an IDEA eligible student on regular high school diploma course of study But…topic of PC may come up in IEP Team discussions about the student’s course of study

12 What Can be MODIFIED? The legislation states that “the personal curriculum shall incorporate as much of the content expectations” in areas that are being modified as is reasonably practicable for the individual student, while maintaining the legislative intent of increased rigor for all students. Practicable content is the mix of existing MMC content expectations and modifications to those expectations.






18 Click here for : OSTC Programs, Requirements, and Exchange Guide OSTC Programs, Requirements, and Exchange Guide Information about Oakland Schools Techinical Campus Website:



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