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The Collapse of Reconstruction 13 th Amendment 14 th Amendment Johnson Impeached Panic of 1873 Redemption Compromise of 1877 Home Rule.

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Presentation on theme: "The Collapse of Reconstruction 13 th Amendment 14 th Amendment Johnson Impeached Panic of 1873 Redemption Compromise of 1877 Home Rule."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Collapse of Reconstruction 13 th Amendment 14 th Amendment Johnson Impeached Panic of 1873 Redemption Compromise of 1877 Home Rule

2 13 th Amendment Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves behind Confederate lines –Slavery in Northern states and Border states still technically legal Congress took up issue in 1864-65 Proposed Constitutional amendment in Jan. ’65 Ratified by 27 states Outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude

3 14 th Amendment 1866 All persons born or naturalized in US granted equal protection under the law Barred former senators and congressmen who supported secession from holding elected office after the war –Johnson thought too harsh – told southern states not to support amendment Finally ratified in 1868

4 Impeachment Disagreement between Johnson and Congress –Congress didn’t feel he was doing his duty by not following their lead on Recon. Johnson fired Sec. of War –Congress said he couldn’t do that w/out their permission Impeached by the House Not convicted by the Senate

5 Redemption Amnesty Act of 1872 gave 150,000 former confederates back their voting rights Dems. recaptured state gov’ts in many southern states Dems. had “redeemed” themselves in the eyes of the Feds. Election of 1876 brought Dems. back to power in Congress

6 Compromise of 1877 Close pres. Election Rutherford B. Hayes won in the electoral college, but not pop. votes Had to appease many lawmakers in order for them to not contest the election

7 1877 cont. Had to remove fed. troops from LA and SC Fed money to rebuild RR in the South Appoint a conservative southerner to the cabinet Hayes agreed and was inaugurated Brought Reconstruction to an end

8 Home Rule By 1876 Dems had control over many southern state gov’ts could finally rule over their own states w/out Federal involvement Passed laws that wiped out social programs, cut taxes, and dismantled public schools

9 Reconstruction and its Effects

10 Foundations Pres. Lincoln and Johnson propose lenient policies toward former Confederate States Radical Republicans gain control of Congress and pass Reconstruction Act of 1867 Conflict over approach leads Congress to impeach Johnson

11 Progress States ratify 14 th and 15 th amendments States start public works programs and public schools Former slaves reunite w/ family, work for wages, and begin to create an A.A. culture

12 Collapse War debt and low demand for Southern cotton slow South’s recovery A.A. are terrorized by racist violence Republican party is weakened by scandal Republicans withdraw troops from South to get Hayes elected Dems. regain control of Southern gov’ts and weaken social programs and public schools

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