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Budget Overview and Facility/Master Plan Update September 3, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Overview and Facility/Master Plan Update September 3, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Overview and Facility/Master Plan Update September 3, 2010

2 State Appropriation Reductions Past three years AnnualCumulative FY 2009 $ 11,277,000 FY 2010 $ 34,081,000$ 45,358,000 FY 2011 $ 11,358,300$ 56,716,300 Note: includes UTSI cumulative reductions of approximately $1.1 million

3 FY 2001 FY 2011 Unrestricted & Restricted E&G Revenues

4 FY 2001 Unrestricted E&G Revenues FY 2011

5 Tuition and State Appropriations Comparison: UTK

6 Planning for Reductions: UTK Cumulative Reduction$56,716,300 Cost Reduction Efforts: Position Reductions$ 14,312,160 Unit Cost Reductions34,171,714 Total Reductions48,483,874 Additional Revenue: Total Tuition Increase$ 39,603,000 Less Cost Increase Offsets (33,886,235) Other Student Fees2,515,661 Total Additional Revenue8,232,426 Total$56,716,300 Note: Includes UTSI cumulative reductions of approximately $1.1M.

7 Stimulus bridging the gap…

8 TOTAL UTK ARRA AND MOE FUNDS (in millions) FY 200915.0 FY 201043.5 FY 201143.5 Total102.0

9 State Appropriations: UTK (Including ARRA & MOE Funds)

10 Facilities Update & Master Plan

11 Campus Facts 556 acres 220 buildings 14.6 million sq ft 5 miles of university-owned streets 7.5 miles of city-owned streets 33 miles of sidewalks and plazas Electrical distribution system Central steam plant

12 Scheduled for completion late 2010. Ayres Hall $23.0 Million

13 Scheduled for Fall 2011. Min Kao EECS $37.5 Million

14 Construction began March 2010; scheduled for completion summer 2011. Student Health $20.6 Million

15 Scheduled for completion summer 2013. Natalie L. Haslam Music Center $40.0 Million

16 Infrastructure construction underway. To be completed Fall 2010. Individual houses to break ground Fall 2010, first house to be occupied Fall 2011. Sorority Village Infrastructure $4.0 Million

17 Other Facilities John Tickle Building Starts late 2010 Complete early 2013 $18.2 Million Music Building Starts Summer 2010 Complete Spring 2013 $40.0 Million William M. Bass Anthropology Building Scheduled for Fall 2010$1.4 Million JIAM BuildingScheduled for late 2010$30.0 Million Intramural Fields Starts Summer 2010 Complete Summer 2011 $14.6 Million

18 Pending State Funding (priority order) Strong Hall$55.0 Million Academic Facility (Melrose Site)$54.0 Million Audiology & Speech Pathology$34.0 Million Jessie Harris$41.0 Million Academic/Research Facility (Stokely Site)$83.0 Million Earth and Planetary Sciences$50.0 Million College of Nursing Renovations & Addition$37.5 Million Walters Life Sciences Renovations & Additions$44.5 Million

19 Master Plan

20 History of Current Master Plans UTK Master Plan – 1994 Master Plan Update – 2001 Master Plan Update – 2007

21 Subcommittees Academic Facilities & Infrastructure Athletics Design & Historic Preservation Energy and Environment Housing, Recreation, & Student Engagement Research Parking and Transportation

22 Governing Principles Improve campus to support UTK’s Top 25 goal Assume limited growth in undergraduate population and significant growth in graduate students in keeping with UTK’s strategic plan Continue to develop a more pedestrian friendly campus Optimize limited space on campus Promote energy and environmental responsibility Expand and improve the east-west spine with better linkages north-south Provide convenient parking structures

23 Governing Principles Continue to develop the campus transit system Encourage preservation of historic and cultural resources Recommend refinements to various campus design guidelines documents Maximize connections to surrounding communities Coordinate with appended Cherokee Campus Master Plan

24 Preliminary Timeline Space ProgrammingComplete AnalysisComplete Alternative ConceptsSep 2010 Preferred ConceptDec 2010 Preliminary DraftJan 2011 Review ProcessMar 2011 Final DraftApr 2011 Final ReportMay 2011 Submission to Board of TrusteesJun 2011 Submission to THECJul 2011 State Building CommissionAug 2011

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