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Prepare for Learning What is fitness? What do you know about these key words? 1.Respiration 2.Fitness 3.Diaphragm 4.Air sacs 5.Addictive 6.Nutrient 7.Deficiency.

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2 Prepare for Learning What is fitness? What do you know about these key words? 1.Respiration 2.Fitness 3.Diaphragm 4.Air sacs 5.Addictive 6.Nutrient 7.Deficiency 8.Capillary 9.Circulatory 10.Stimulant

3 Agree Learning Outcomes VCOP focus respiration, gaseous exchange, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, trachea, inhalation, exhalation VCOP focus respiration, gaseous exchange, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, trachea, inhalation, exhalation Learning Objectives: State what happens to the air, ribs and diaphragm during breathing Explain how structures in the human gas exchange system are adapted to their function Explain how ventilation occurs with reference to pressure changes Learning Objectives: State what happens to the air, ribs and diaphragm during breathing Explain how structures in the human gas exchange system are adapted to their function Explain how ventilation occurs with reference to pressure changes Topic: Gas Exchange Systems Lesson 2/9 Lesson Title: Respiratory System Lesson 2/9 Lesson Title: Respiratory System Lesson Plan Prepare for Learning Agree Learning Outcomes Present New Information Construct Learning Apply to Demonstrate Review H/Work CREATIVE THINKER REFLECTIVE LEARNER TEAM WORKER SELF MANAGER EFFECTIVE PARTICIPANT INDEPENDENT ENQUIRER

4 Present New Information The Respiratory System Ribs – to protect the chest Bronchioles Bronchi Trachea (wind pipe) – has stiff rings of cartilage to prevent it collapsing Lung Diaphragm – muscular sheet Rib muscles – to raise and lower the ribs Alveoli (“air sacs”) – gas exchange takes place here

5 Construct Meaning Closer look at the lungs ribs wind pipe rib muscles lung diaphragm alveoli CO 2 diffuses out of blood O 2 diffuses into blood Use this slide to help you complete the worksheet

6 Construct Meaning Teacher demonstration Watch the teacher demo showing you what is happening in the lungs when we breathe in and out. 1.What do you notice about the size of the balloon when air enters? 2.What do you notice about the size of the balloon when air leaves? 3.What does this tell you about what happens in the lungs?

7 Present New Information Breathing Breathing in (inhalation) rib muscles contract ribs move out diaphragm flat chest bigger Breathing out (exhalation) rib muscles relax ribs move in diaphragm arched chest smaller Use this slide to help you complete the rest of worksheet 9Bb5 TASK – Place your hands on your ribs and take a few breaths in and out. Do the same with your hands on your diaphragm

8 Present New Information Gas exchange Alveoli are very good at exchanging gases because… 1)They have a LARGE surface area 2)They have a good blood supply 3)They are moist

9 Apply to Demonstrate Copy the sentences but correct the hidden mistakes The movement of air into and out of the lungs is called gas exchange. Oxygen leaving the body and carbon dioxide entering is called gas exchange. Breathing in is called exhalation and out is called inhalation. Oxygen moves into the blood by dissolving. The muscles that move when you breathe are called ribs. The muscle that stays still when you breathe is called the diaphragm.

10 Answers The movement of air into and out of the lungs is called ventilation. Oxygen entering the body and carbon dioxide leaving is called gas exchange. The bones that move when you breathe are called ribs. The muscle that moves when you breathe is called the diaphragm. Breathing in is called inhalation and out is called exhalation. Oxygen moves into the blood by diffusion.

11 Review Complete worksheet 9Bb7 ‘Well ventilated’.

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