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LAGUNA Design of a pan- European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics Guido Nuijten.

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Presentation on theme: "LAGUNA Design of a pan- European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics Guido Nuijten."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAGUNA Design of a pan- European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics LENA@PYHÄSALMI.FI Guido Nuijten NNN08 Paris, Sept. 13 th 2008


3 INTRODUCTION In Finland underground space is widely used as a solution to minimize the environmental disturbance. Valuable environments, old buildings and parks can be protected by locating a wide range of other community activities, such as traffic and car parks, in underground spaces. Underground technical facilities for community activities and facilities serve the urban community above ground.

4 INTRODUCTION In Finland underground space is widely used as a solution to minimize the environmental disturbance. Valuable environments, old buildings and parks can be protected by locating a wide range of other community activities, such as traffic and car parks, in underground spaces. Underground technical facilities for community activities and facilities serve the urban community above ground. ROCKPLAN LTD is a consulting company founded in 1986. The staff is mainly made up of architects, civil engineers (esp. rock & structural engineering) and geologists. The company is specialized in the total design & managing the design process from the start up to the project realization. Additional plans and design are produced in co-operation with experienced subcontractors.

5 HARTWALL AREENAHELSINKI Underground practice ice hockey rink, 15.000 m3, Underground restaurant, 3.000 m3, Helsinki Seasonal change in a rock cavern

6 SALMISAARI underground coal storage Underground coal storage for Helsingin Energia, 520.000 m3 District cooling station for Helsingin Energia, 30.000 m3

7 Salmisaari underground coal storage The overall project involves 3,5 km of tunnel with 40 different cross sections. Total excavation of 550.000 m 3 of granite/gneiss, all crushed for re- use by the local construction industry. The underground silos are each H = 65m & ø = 42m The volumetric capacity of each silo is 81.000 m 3. The coal transport tunnels are equipped to charge the silos and a newly-mined conveyor retrieval tunnel will be used to discharge the coal.

8 Salmisaari underground coal storage


10 LAGUNA A schematic view of LENA detector in a vertical position.

11 Location of Pyhäjärvi / Pyhäsalmi in Finland airports

12 3-D impression of Pyhäsalmi mine.

13 3-D impression of Pyhäsalmi mine + future LENA laboratory LENA

14 3-D impression of Pyhäsalmi mine + future LENA laboratory LENA Note: a twin access tunnel necessary due to civil operational safety requirements

15 Reactor neutrino events in Europe Pyhäsalmi

16 Strength of Mafic and Felsic Volcanites (intact): σ p,Q2 = 232 MPa Note! For pegmatite σ p,Q2 =110 MPa (less than 50% of Felsic Volcanites)

17 Spalling results in the Pyhäsalmi shaft used for calculation result validation / calibration (up from -1375m level)

18 Lithological map of the Pyhäsalmi volcanic complex Mine area (surface) Mine area (-1430m) Future LENA laboratory (~500m west from the mine)

19 Lithological map of the Pyhäsalmi volcanic complex Mine area (surface) Mine area (-1430m) Future LENA laboratory (~500m west from the mine) Radon content (in ventilated underground areas) 20 Bq/m 3

20 Lithological map of the Pyhäsalmi volcanic complex Mine area (surface) Mine area (-1430m) Future LENA laboratory (~500m west from the mine) Radon content (in ventilated underground areas) 20 Bq/m 3 vibration accelerations at 500m: 0,013 g (due to earthquakes) 0,020g (due to blasting activities)

21 Vertical tank concept. Maximum height is 114 m and width 44.5 m. rock mechanical calculations performed: vertical vs. horizontal depths of -1400, -1700 & -2000 shapes cylindrical, elliptical, quasi rectangular

22 Vertical tank concept. Maximum height is 114 m and width 44.5 m. rock mechanical calculations performed: vertical vs. horizontal depths of -1400, -1700 & -2000 shapes cylindrical, elliptical, quasi rectangular rock temperature at -1400m: +22⁰C average temperature at surface: -9⁰C (Jan)... +16⁰C (July) cavern can be cooled down to +5⁰C

23 Rock volumes exceeding the spalling strength (colour contours) and max spalling depth for different horizontal cross-section shapes at 1450 level below ground surface. Optimum shape to be elliptical (44m * 71m) to deal best with the horizontal stress redistribution around the cavern.

24 Total costs / cash flow The total costs, as calculated, are not including any value added taxes. As LENA is to be a European installation, the construction is tax free for all, who contribute. The total costs are: 1)Laboratory costs 75 M€ Excavation costs, total 47 M€ Site investigations + surface infrastructure 6 M€ HEVAC costs, total 22 M€ 2)Detector costs 222 M€ Construction costs, total 37 M€ Liquid handling 10 M€ PMT’s (including electronics) 75 M€ Liquid scintillator (50 kT)100 M€ 3)Design & consulting costs 30 M€ Reservations (risks, unforeseen 25%) 82 M€ Total (0% VAT)409 M€

25 Total costs / cash flow The total costs, as calculated, are not including any value added taxes. As LENA is to be a European installation, the construction is tax free for all, who contribute. The total costs are: 1)Laboratory costs 75 M€ Excavation costs, total 47 M€ Site investigations + surface infrastructure 6 M€ HEVAC costs, total 22 M€ 2)Detector costs 222 M€ Construction costs, total 37 M€ Liquid handling 10 M€ PMT’s (including electronics) 75 M€ Liquid scintillator (50 kT)100 M€ 3)Design & consulting costs 30 M€ Reservations (risks, unforeseen 25%) 82 M€ Total (0% VAT)409 M€ 20082009201020112012201320142015201620172018total < 1< 26293745 67 7436409M€

26 Schedule for design and construction


28 The hard and very old bedrock (> 2 * 10 9 yr) of Finland provides by far one of the best locations in Europe to locate the LENA laboratory deep under the ground.

29 CONCLUSIONS (1/2) The hard and very old bedrock (> 2 * 10 9 yr) of Finland provides by far one of the best locations in Europe to locate the LENA laboratory deep under the ground. Within Finland the Pyhäsalmi Mine offers the best location for this purpose, as it is the deepest present location in Finland 1400m below surface.

30 CONCLUSIONS (1/2) The hard and very old bedrock (> 2 * 10 9 yr) of Finland provides by far one of the best locations in Europe to locate the LENA laboratory deep under the ground. Within Finland the Pyhäsalmi Mine offers the best location for this purpose, as it is the deepest present location in Finland 1400m below surface. The depth of the laboratory is at -1400m (top) to -1500m (bottom level).

31 CONCLUSIONS (1/2) The hard and very old bedrock (> 2 * 10 9 yr) of Finland provides by far one of the best locations in Europe to locate the LENA laboratory deep under the ground. Within Finland the Pyhäsalmi Mine offers the best location for this purpose, as it is the deepest present location in Finland 1400m below surface. The depth of the laboratory is at -1400m (top) to -1500m (bottom level). The location of the cavern is about 0,5km west from the present mine.

32 CONCLUSIONS (1/2) The hard and very old bedrock (> 2 * 10 9 yr) of Finland provides by far one of the best locations in Europe to locate the LENA laboratory deep under the ground. Within Finland the Pyhäsalmi Mine offers the best location for this purpose, as it is the deepest present location in Finland 1400m below surface. The depth of the laboratory is at -1400m (top) to -1500m (bottom level). The location of the cavern is about 0,5km west from the present mine. Construction of the access tunnels can be started directly at -1400m due to good infrastructure at that level.

33 CONCLUSIONS (2/2) The shape of the cavern is vertical and ellipse to cope best with in-situ stresses The scintillator tank is also constructed vertically The infrastructure needed for LENA is already present on the surface as well as at -1400 m. The mine has one access tunnel, one main transport and one ventilation shaft. (probably one extra shaft has to be built) The mine can take over all excavated rock (~half a million m 3 ) until the year 2015. The layout of the underground tunnels is based on a double exit strategy that in case of accident there are two directions to flee from any location. Otanmäki and Vihanti are other possible locations

34 Guido Nuijten +358 – 45 – 636 53 43 Thank you for your attention Any questions?

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