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SEASONIQUE (84 days 30 mcg EE/150 mcg LNG; 7 days 10 mcg EE)

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Presentation on theme: "SEASONIQUE (84 days 30 mcg EE/150 mcg LNG; 7 days 10 mcg EE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEASONIQUE (84 days 30 mcg EE/150 mcg LNG; 7 days 10 mcg EE)
A 91-Day Extended Regimen Oral Contraceptive with Period Stabilizing Pills quote jvw follikels 2 vragen:1. wie schrijft pil lang voor 2. wie las de laatste tijd goede evidentie hiervoor? Conflict of interest

2 The Evidence PubMed and Embase: 390 papers
MA: 21 Review: 104 Clinical trials : 63 Pharmacokinetic studies: 25 Observational studies: 50 Snowballing: 20

3 Why extended regimens ((since 2000)?
Women desiring fewer withdrawal bleeding episodes Potential medical advantages of extended regimens Why EE and LNG? Why HFI with EE: less withdrawal symptoms, greater suppression of the HPO axis,decreased follicular development?


5 Who might benefit? Women desiring fewer withdrawal bleedings
.. Premenstrual syndrome Menstrual migraine Endometriosis Iron deficiency Obesity PCO

6 Absorption Elimination
No No Accumulation half life EE=18 h half life LNG=34h

7 DVT and Observational Evidence

8 HPO axis inhibition by 10 microg EE
-97% ovulation suppression --improve bleeding profile -minimise withdrawal symptoms Vandever MA, Contraception 2008;77

9 Efficacy Pearl Index (pregnancies per 100 women years of use)
(One year of use) 0.76 for typical use 0.26 for compliant use (Barcelona data 2015 oac: Pearl typical use= 0.8, perfect use= 0,3

10 HowardB, Contraception 2014;89
Comparing Studies Extended versus Cyclic 21/7: 4.4% versus 7.3% (one year pregnancies) p<0.0001 Extended versus Cyclic 24/4: 4.4% versus 6.9% (p<0.0001) Seasonique versus 84/7 LNG/EE +placebo: 3.0% versus 4.4% (p=0.02) HowardB, Contraception 2014;89

11 Bleeding- Spotting data
Cave first cycle: 4-7 days unscheduled 1 day of spotting per each 91-day cycle (Three year extension trial) less scheduled bleeding:2 days per each 91-day cycle and bleeding is light

12 Anderson FD et al, Contraception 2006;73

13 Safety long term data adverse events endometrial hemostatic
bone mineral density

14 Cardio Vascular Serum Markers
Prothrombin F1-2 > non inferior than LNG/EE, superior to DSG formulas glucose intolerance Triglycerides > Lipoproteins> RR> Nappi RE et al, Eur J Contracept RHC 2014

15 Skeletal Growth in adolescents: BMD
increase from baseline lumbar spine not clinical significantly altered after 12 months compared with controls and 21/7 regimens Cromer B,et al: EBCOG ,Scotland,Glasgow,May 2014

16 Andersen FD et al: Contraception 2008;77
Endometrial Safety No Endometrial Hyperplasia after 1 year: general shift toward an inactive endometrium during therapy Andersen FD et al: Contraception 2008;77

17 Wentzensen et al: Lancet Oncology,aug 5,2015
Endometrial Cancer Fig ltste Wentzensen et al: Lancet Oncology,aug 5,2015

18 Compliance /User satisfaction
98% overall compliance 95% user satisfaction Data on file. Satisfaction claims research,New York,sep 2010

19 Long term Tolerability : 4years
as expected for COC's: overall discontinuation for AE= 9.7 % after 4 years No DVT Davis MG et al: J Fam Pract 2010

20 Baumhardt et al: Fert Ster 2009
Return to Fertility Ovulation activity = 77.1% within 32 days of discontinuation (Conception rates after 12 months OAC: 78-95%) Baumhardt et al,Fert Ster 2009 Baumhardt et al: Fert Ster 2009

21 Conclusion wish of patient medical conditions
within extended regimens, Seasonique is a logical choice effective for the prevention of pregnancy and safe well tolerated (improved bleeding/spotting profile)

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