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Water Safety Storyboard Athea Gainey AET 541 e-learning June 17, 2012 Leo Giglio.

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1 Water Safety Storyboard Athea Gainey AET 541 e-learning June 17, 2012 Leo Giglio

2 Water Safety Course Meet Cindy

3 Notes: The pretraining session is segmented into two parts, identifying hazardous play and identifying patrons in danger of drowning. Pretraining- Identifying hazardous water play Instructional goal Identify patrons participating hazardous play Identify patrons in danger of drowning or other water hazards What constitutes hazardous play? Any activity wherein safety is jeopardized and injury or death may occur. It is our responsibility as lifeguards to provide assistance and instructions to patrons at our resort to ensure that they have a pleasant and enjoyable stay. Typical activities that are hazardous include, misuse of safety gear, horseplay, failure to heed lifeguard warnings, jumping or diving from an unauthorized height or object, and failure to wear safety gear in water sports. Who may be drowning? The following video recaps some important tips for swimming. Knowing these and identifying breach of these will help to more quickly identify a patron in trouble. Animation (yes or no):yes Text/Audio Narration: Let’s review: Swim SafetySwim Safety Title: Water Safety Course Scene (opening page): Graphics (yes or no):yesAudio (yes or no):yes Slide number: 1 Skill or Concept: Conditions

4 Notes: The worked example provides visual and auditory simulation of what students would encounter in a real- life scenario. The videos are designed to help students think as if they were on duty. Live photos are used to enhance the realism of the course as opposed to animated graphics. This photo should help the student think along the lines of safety pertaining to children. Worked example: Identify one hazardous action in each of the videos: Example #1 Animation (yes or no): yes Text/Audio Narration: Never carry or guide a child in water without proper floatation devices on the child such as a swimsuit with built-in life vest. While it appears that this is a swimming class, accidents can be prevented by having the child wear proper gear. Your patrons will be on vacation, not in a closed environment. Patrons should be corrected should they participate in this kind of behavior. Title: Scene: Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no):yes Slide number: 2 Skill or Concept: swimming with children

5 Notes: This photo should allow the students to reflect on the familiar rules of diving before actually reviewing the video. Subconsciously, students will reflect on these safety issues which the video further reflects. Worked example: Identify one hazardous action in the following video: Example #2 Animation (yes or no): Text/Audio Narration: Never jump or dive from an unauthorized platform. Always used designated diving board. High impact can occur with the bottom of the pool from an unauthorized height causing fractures or even drownings. Title: Scene: Graphics (yes or no) : Audio (yes or no): Slide number: 3 Skill or Concept:

6 Notes: This photo should help students to think of floatation devices and how to properly use and secure them. Worked example: Identify one hazardous action in the following video: Example #3 Animation (yes or no): Text/Audio Narration: Use caution when using innertubes as they may overturn. Know the functionality of the floatation device being used. Title: Scene: Graphics (yes or no) : Audio (yes or no): Slide number: 4 Skill or Concept:

7 References Swimmingaustralialtd. (2011, January 4). Despicable Me and Leisel Jones swim safety video [Video file]. Retrieved from youtube website: Niloiv13. (2007, April 9). Kris accidental Drowning [Video file]. Retrieved from youtube website: Phatboy01. (2011, July 5). Water Accidents [Video file]. Retrieved from youtube website: Yourbumisbig. (2012, February 22). Funny Pool Accident [Video file]. Retrieved from youtube website: axedykd87M&NR=1

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