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Quiz #2  Complete the Yearbook Survey when you are done.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz #2  Complete the Yearbook Survey when you are done."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz #2  Complete the Yearbook Survey when you are done

2 Theme An IDEA about Life!

3 Subject  The topic of a work of literature  The subject can usually be stated in a single word or phrase  Love  War  Childhood  Growing up  Aging

4 Theme  The general idea or insight about human life that work of literature reveals.  Can be stated in one or more sentences.  The theme on a subject of love might be: True love survives all obstacles.  The theme on a subject of war might be: War destroys the good along with the bad.

5 Universal Themes  Themes that can be found in literature from different times, countries, and cultures.  Cross genres as well as national boundaries, languages, customs, and historic periods.  An example of a universal theme is: A hero often must sacrifice something precious in order to reach a goal.

6 Generalizations  A broad statement that applies to many individuals, experiences, situations, or observations.  Kind of conclusion that is drawn after considering as many facts as possible.  Themes are expressed as generalizations.

7 Genres  The different forms of literature.  Short stories  Novels  Plays  Poems

8 What is the function of a bridge?

9 On the Bridge By Todd Strasser

10 Meet the Author  Born in New York City on May 5 (he doesn’t reveal his year of birth)  Studied at NYU for a few years before dropping out.  He is the author of more than 120 young adult books.

11 Odd Facts about Strasser -Lived on a commune -Performed as a street musician in Europe -Manufactured fortune cookies professionally

12 “On the Bridge”  Read “On the Bridge”  Please DO NOT WRITE on the stories; they are class copies  Discussion…  Identify a theme in this text. What elements of fiction help you identify this theme?

13 Text Connections  Why do you think Seth follows Adam, even though he knows Adam is wrong? Do you know of a time when this has happened in your life or in the experiences of other people?  What function does a bridge serve in “On the Bridge”?  When do you encounter bridges (metaphorically) in your life?

14 The Organization of an Essay  How do you organize an essay?  How do you organize a paragraph?  Do you have any tricks of the trade to help you remember?

15 Structure of a Paragraph  T.E.A.  Topic Sentence – focus of the paragraph  Evidence –  Quotations from the text that support the Topic Sentence  Should be no longer than 1 sentence  Need 2-3 to present a strong argument  Analysis  Explanation of how the quotes are good support

16 On the Bridge Essay

17 This I Believe  Take out a sheet of paper and answer the prompt.  What are your traditions, rituals, and daily routines? Why do you do them? Who do you do them for and why do them for that person?  This needs to be something you DO. Stay positive.  List 3-5 traditions, rituals, or routines and provide supporting details.

18 Homework:  Complete Essay Worksheet  This I Believe Essay  Read Sample  Begin Free write

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