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Presentation on theme: "Unification – UEU & UAP. UNIFIED ASIA-PACIFIC REGION (UAP) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED EUROPE REGION (UEU) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED AMERICAS REGION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unification – UEU & UAP


3 UNIFIED ASIA-PACIFIC REGION (UAP) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED EUROPE REGION (UEU) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED AMERICAS REGION (UAM) Unified BV/IBV Banks Australia Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore Market Countries EMP Countries New Zealand Global SHOP.COM Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products United Kingdom Spain Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products United States Canada Mexico Bahamas Colombia Panama Dominican Republic Ecuador Jamaica Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products

4 UNIFIED ASIA-PACIFIC REGION (UAP) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED EUROPE REGION (UEU) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED AMERICAS REGION (UAM) Unified BV/IBV Banks Australia Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore Market Countries EMP Countries New Zealand Global SHOP.COM Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products United Kingdom Spain Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products United States Canada Mexico Bahamas Colombia Panama Dominican Republic Ecuador Jamaica Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products

5 UNIFIED ASIA-PACIFIC REGION (UAP) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED EUROPE REGION (UEU) Unified BV/IBV Banks UNIFIED AMERICAS REGION (UAM) Unified BV/IBV Banks Australia Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore Market Countries EMP Countries New Zealand Global SHOP.COM Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products United Kingdom Spain Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products United States Canada Mexico Bahamas Colombia Panama Dominican Republic Ecuador Jamaica Customers can buy Market America (USA) branded BV products

6 Introduction UFO, HP could be participated in Global Unification. HP1 and Sales Reps are excluded. UAP UFOs can expand to UEU region and visa versa. UEU (Unified European Region ) – United Kingdom and Spain. UAP UFOs will be granted an UEU IRC ( International Re-entry Center). UFOs have to place the IRC(s) in their organization via IRC Identification: Same 9 digits UFO ID IRC extension: Expand to UEU: 301,302,303

7 UK BV / IBV banks Home country BV / IBV banks Existing Global Expansion to UEU: -Designate a BDC to accrual Global GBV and GIBV - BV / IBV commission pay cycle for home country and global country are separated Global Unification with UEU: -Designate an IRC* placement in the organization to accrual Global GBV and GIBV as well as converted Global GBV / GIBV to home country GBV / GIBV - All home country BDCs on top of the IRC could be benefited and accumulate Global GBV / GIBV to get commission paid * IRC – International Re-entry Center Difference between existing Global Expansion and Global Unification

8 IRC Qualification and Generation of BV/ IBV UFO has to place a 200 BV home country order and place to IRC in order to qualify it. Upon the completion of IRC designation, UFO will get an region’s and web portals. Same user name and password for home country can be used to login IRC regional IRC regional web portal will have same domain name as the home country IRC commission check is paid with home country currency. IRC has same payout levels as standard MPCP.

9 IRC Designation and Qualification – process IRC placement is located under My Distributorship > International > IRC Placement

10 IRC Placement screen allows UFOs to expand their business to the opposite region.

11 Enter all placement information to create IRC in UFO’s organization. * IRC placement CANNOT be changed once confirmed.

12 Once IRC is placed, UFOs will be given an opportunity to place a qualifying order with 200BV to qualify their newly designated IRC. The normal ordering process is available for UFOs to place the order with home country products/BV.

13 When UFOs complete IRC Placement, below screen will appear under IRC Placement.

14 If the IRC Placement process was partially completed, the IRC will appear in the Incomplete IRCs area and UFOs may continue the process.

15 IRC Activation UFOs have to activate IRC with 2 personally sponsored qualified and active UFOs from the expanded region, one placed in the left organization and one in the right organization in order to earn expanded region commission.

16 IRC Re-Entry When a UFO’s initial IRC for the region has a good flush (completed 5000/5000 pay cycle), the UFO earns the right to do an IRC Re-entry. When UFOs have a good flush on an initial IRC, the system will alert them of their Re-entry eligibility. To complete the Re-entry process, UFOs can login to their home country > (My Distributorship >) International > IRC Placement

17 -As soon as the IRC is placed in the organization, the UFO will be granted three UGCs in UFO’s 001, 002 and 003. -The UGC will accumulate regional BV and IBV that overflows from the BDC after the BDC flushes with 5000/5000. UGC - Universal Global Center

18 Unfranchise Management Reports UFO can enter extension 301 to see the IRC’s information.

19 Unfranchise Management Reports UFO could refer to Detailed Sales report and Overflow Detailed Sales for the Unify GBV status and overflow BV status.

20 Summary of Global Unification Currently UnFranchise Owners’ BV/IBV of UAP are only allowed to combine their BV/IBV of UEU together to accrue in one MPCP. UnFranchise Owners should log into their UnFranchise Business Accounts to designate their IRCs. IRCs can be placed anywhere within a Market America UnFranchise Owner’s organization. It is recommended that IRCs be placed in the weak leg of the organization. IRC operations under Global Unification do not require exercising monthly accrual option and annual renewal separate from the renewal of the primary UnFranchise Business. In order to earn commission, the IRC must be activated by personally sponsoring one qualified Europe Region UnFranchise Owner on the IRC left leg and one qualified Europe Region UnFranchise Owner on the IRC right leg. An UnFranchise Owner Sales Report (Form 1000) must be completed and submitted, accompanied by a minimum of two retail receipts totaling HK$1,500 prior to earning a commission (this is a one-time only requirement unless at some point the IRC purges).

21 Summary of Global Unification When a BDC (i.e. 001) has accumulated 1200/1200 BV/IBV in Home Region, UGC-001 is designated to accrue the excess BV/IBV of UEU. When the combined BV/IBV has reached 5000/5000 BV/IBV, the overflowed BV/IBV of UEU is transferred to UGC. The BV/IBV of home region will not accrue up to UGC. An IRC earns Leadership Bonus  an UnFranchise Owner must have a Europe Region BDC on the left side of its IRC organization and a Europe Region BDC on the right side of its IRC organization reach 5,000/5,000 in Business Volume generated in the Europe Region in the same weekly commission cycle that the UnFranchise’s IRC reaches 5,000/5,000 Business Volume in the Europe Region. UGC does not earn Leadership Bonus. A bad flush and/or purge in an UnFranchise Owner’s Home Region BDC will result in the same in his/her IRC and UGC.

22 Frequently Asked Questions and Illustrations To be qualified to accrue BV/IBV, an IRC needs to be activated or not? No. An IRC is qualified by the placement of a 200 BV Home Region order into the IRC. How long is the active life span of Accrued Group Business Volume in the UGC? BV: 365 days; IBV: 730 days (from the date of purchasing). We know 001,002 and 003 can be reserved as UGCs, but how about 004, 005…? Can they be reserved as UGCs? Only 001,002 and 003 can be reserved as UGCs. If a UAP UnFranchise Owner purchases BV/IBV of UEU, can he/she place these BV/IBV in his/her IRC-301? Yes, he/she can. IF A UAP UnFranchise Owner orders products having BV/IBV of UAP and/or BV/IBV of SABP, can he/she assign these BV/IBV to BDCs of personal sponsored UEU UnFranchise Owners? Yes, he/she can. But only UAP UnFranchise Owners in the organization can accrue these BV/IBV. Are UnFranchise Owners in EMP countries allowed to participate MPCP Global Unification? No, They are not allowed currently. But their accrued BV/IBV can be converted with their IRCs.

23 Frequently Asked Questions and Illustrations If a purge occurs in IRC-301, what needs to be done to requalify it? If a purge occurs, IRC-301 can be requalified with a 200 BV order. Can a New UnFranchise Owner be placed either in left side or right side of IRC-301? Is there any restriction on the placement? There is no restriction on the placement (inside leg or outside leg) under IRC-301. What will happen if Form 1000 for IRC-301 is not submitted? Failure to submit Form 1000 will result in the next commission being held for four consecutive weekly commission cycles from the week the commission would have otherwise been paid and if the requirement has still not been met by the end of this hold period, the commission will be forfeited. Is there anything new for those who expanded internationally to the Europe Region before European Unification and Asia-Pacific Unification? For those UnFranchise Owners who have already expanded internationally to the Europe Region, UGC replaces the designated global business center. (TBD)

24 Frequently Asked Questions and Illustrations The IRC will be paid commissions on the BV/IBV accrued in the region where the IRC is placed only. Home Region BV/IBV placed below the Europe Region IRC, will not accrue in the Europe Region BV/IBV banks. However, the BV/IBV will flow upline in the Home Region genealogy above the Europe IRC.

25 Frequently Asked Questions and Illustrations BV/IBV accruing in the IRC is converted and flows upward as Home Region BV/IBV at the connection point in the Home Region genealogy. The converted BV/IBV from the IRC combines with Home Region BV/IBV to accumulate up through the genealogy line. It accrues in all qualified Home Region BDCs.

26 Frequently Asked Questions and Illustrations If a Market Hong Kong UnFranchise Owner places an Europe Region IRC in his/her organization, the IRC will convert the BV/IBV of UEU into the BV/IBV of UAP. It accrues in all qualified Home Region BDCs. If a UAM UnFranchise Owner expands his/her business into UAP, the BV/IBV accruing in the UAP is converted and flow upwards at the connection point in the Home Region genealogy.

27 Frequently Asked Questions and Illustrations Mary purchases 40 BV of UEU and places the BV in Lucy’s BDC. Where is the BV going to flow? Lucy will have 40 BV of UEU  Peter’s 301 IRC will have 40 BV of UEU  Carmen will have 40 BV of UEU  Peter will have 40 BV of UAM  Mary’s 301 IRC will have 40 BV of UEU  John will have 40 BV of UEU  Tom’s 301 IRC will have 40 BV of UEU  Paul will have 40 BV of UEU  Tom will have 40 BV of UAP  Mary will have 40 BV of UAP Mary - HKG Tom - HKG Paul - UEU Tom 301 IRC John - UEU Mary 301 IRC Peter - USA Carmen - UEU Peter 301 IRC Lucy - UEU

28 Q & A Sessions


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