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Presentation on theme: "23/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP EU-ACP PROGRAMME SUPPORT TO ACP CULTURAL SECTORS (ACPCULTURES II + ACPFILMS II) 1st CALL."— Presentation transcript:

1 23/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP EU-ACP PROGRAMME SUPPORT TO ACP CULTURAL SECTORS (ACPCULTURES II + ACPFILMS II) 1st CALL FOR PROPOSALS (1 MARCH 2011 - 30 JUNE 2011) Implemented by the Group of ACP States Financed by the European Union

2 Page 223/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP Specific conditions of grant contracts By Cesatina Bastos EuropeAid – Development and Cooperation Directorate-General

3 Page 323/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP TABLE OF CONTENTS > The grant contract: Special conditions Annexes > The special conditions: Level of co-financing Payment procedures Expenditure verification Financial guarantee Visibility clause

4 Page 423/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP THE GRANT CONTRACT Grant contract consists of: >Special conditions > Annexes: Description of the action Logical framework General conditions Budget Tender procedures Model payment request Model narrative and financial reports etc… (see Guidelines, 3. List of annexes)

5 Page 523/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS Special conditions include: >Level of co-financing by the Contracting Authority >Payment procedures >Expenditure verification requirements >Financial guarantee threshold >Visibility issues (see annexes F1 & F2 of the call for proposals Guidelines)

6 Page 623/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP CO-FINANCING >Level of co-financing by the Contracting Authority Film production: max 40% of total eligible costs Other domains: max 80% of total eligible costs Ref: art. 3.2 of contract

7 Page 723/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP PAYMENT PROCEDURES >Payments: First pre-financing instalment Additional pre-financing instalments Payment of the balance (smaller grants: one pre-financing + payment of balance)

8 Page 823/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP PAYMENT PROCEDURES >First pre-financing instalment: Remainder of co-financing ensured Up to 45 days after contract signature Film production: 50% of grant Other domains: 70% of 1st year budget Ref: art. 4.2 & 7.2.1 of contract

9 Page 923/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP PAYMENT PROCEDURES >Additional pre-financing instalments: 70% of previous instalment spent Submission of narrative and financial reports Periodicity and amount according to progress of implementation and forecasts Ref: art. 4.2 & 7.2.1 of contract

10 Page 1023/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP PAYMENT PROCEDURES >Payment of the balance: Submission of final narrative and financial reports [and final copy of the film] Film production: 30% of grant Other domains: 20% of grant Ref: art. 4.2 & 7.2.1 of contract

11 Page 1123/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP EXPENDITURE VERIFICATION >An expenditure verification report must accompany each request for additional/final payment >Cost foreseen in contract budget >Carried out by auditor >Opinion on eligibility of expenses reported >Ref: art. 7.2.1 & 7.2.2 & annex VII of contract

12 Page 1223/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP FINANCIAL GUARANTEE >Financial guarantee must be provided if pre-financing amount is higher than 150.000 euros (except NGOs) >Established by a bank >Cost foreseen in contract budget >Ref: art. 7.2.3 & annex VIII of contract

13 Page 1323/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP >Follow rules laid out in the Communication and Visibility Manual >Additional specific visibility clauses: - >Ref: art. 7.1.2 of contract VISIBILITY

14 Page 1423/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP >Film production: [ACP logo]& [EU logo] With the financial contribution of the European Union and the support of the ACP Group of States. VISIBILITY

15 Page 1523/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP >Other domains: [ACP logo]& [EU logo] ACP-EU programme to support the ACP cultural sector. A programme of the ACP Group of States financed by the European Union. VISIBILITY

16 Page 1623/03/2011 Programme ACP-UE d’appui aux secteurs culturels ACP Thank you.

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