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20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria1 Related Ministry: The energy sector is connected to the Ministry of economics and energy – and State.

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Presentation on theme: "20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria1 Related Ministry: The energy sector is connected to the Ministry of economics and energy – and State."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria1 Related Ministry: The energy sector is connected to the Ministry of economics and energy – and State Energy Regulatory Commission – Bulgarian participation in FP5 and FP6 - Sustainable Energy Systems Prof. Dr. Anastassia Krusteva - NCP Bulgaria PRIORITY 6.1 - Sustainable Energy Systems Technical University of Sofia

2 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria2 Related Ministry The researches are developed by the Technical Universities and the laboratories of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, connected to the Ministry of Education and Science –

3 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria3 Bulgaria’s national contact points for Sixth RTD – 6FP National contact person – Albena Vutsova e-mail: – National Council for Scientific Research – National contact point for 6-th thematic priority Sustainable development, global changes and ecosystems – Stayko Kolev e-mail: – National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - BAS

4 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria4 Main objectives of the contact persons Dissemination of information for 6FP, priorities and open calls Organizing of information meetings Relation with CORDIS Partner search for the projects Feedback for the project proposals and successful projects

5 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria5 Contracts with Bulgarian participation - 5FP (1) Technical University of Sofia – Contract No ENK5-2001-20528 -European Network for Integration of Renewable Sources and Distributed Generation – ENIRDGnet (2001-2004) Contract No ENK-CT-200-80526 European research area for bioenergy RTD –ERA Bioenergy (2001-2003) NNE5-2001- 825- Real-time Energy Management Via Power-lines And Internet – REMPLI (2001-2005)

6 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria6 Contracts with Bulgarian participation - 5FP (2) Technical University of Sofia Contract No:ENK5-CT-2000-20062-Thematic Network for Cleaner and More Efficient Gas Turbines - CAME-GT (2000-2003) NNE5-2001- 00719 – Unification of Power Plant and Solid Wast Incineration (2001-2004) ENK5-2002-00623 - Energy Wood Production Chains in Europe – ECHAINE (2002-2005) ЕNK5-CT-2002-80661 Center for Research and Design in Human Comfort, CERDECEN, (2003-2005 )

7 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria7 Contracts with Bulgarian participation - 5FP (3) BAS - Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources – NNES – 2001 – 0038 -Phase Change Materials Slurries and Their Commercial Applications – PAMELA (2000 – 2003) NNE5-2000- 00168 Advanced Dry Processes for Low-cost Thin Multictystalline Silicon Solar Cell Technology (2001- 2004)

8 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria8 Contracts with Bulgarian participation - 5FP (4) BAS - Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources NNE5-2001-723 PV Enlargement (2001-2004) NNE5-2001-00046- Accompanying Measures for Coordination of NAS and EU Programmes on Photovoltaic Solar Energy (2001-2004) NNE5-2002-00026 -Bulgarian Centre of Solar Energy (2002-2005)

9 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria9 Contracts with Bulgarian participation - 6FP (1) Technical University of Sofia - Contract No SES6- CT-2005- 518299- Network of DER Laboratories and Pre-Standardisation NoE DER-LAB (2005-2010) Contract No INCO-CT-2004-509205 -The Virtual Balkan Power Center for Advance of Renewable Energy Sources in Western Balkans - VBPC-RES(2005-2007)

10 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria10 Contracts with Bulgarian participation 6FP (2) University of chemical technology and metallurgy– Contract No IP FP6- 502612, Fuel cells coordinator - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany (2004 – 2008).

11 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria11 Contracts with Bulgarian participation - 6FP (3) University of chemical technology and metallurgy – Contract No SSA FP6- 510314, Fuel cells coordinator – TUBITAK – Marmara Research Center, Energy Systems & Environmental Research Institute, Turkey, (2004 – 2005) It is created Bulgarian Hydrogen Society on 2003 in UCTM -

12 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria12 Contracts with Bulgarian participation 6FP (4) BAS Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources - Contract No TREN-05-FP6 EN/S07.43539/513517 - Distributed Generation in the Associated States – Research Priorities and Challenges on the Open Electricity Market –DIGENAS (2005 – 2007) Contract No SES6-CT-2004-503526 -Energy Storage for Direct Steam Solar Power Plants – DISTOR (2004 – 2006)

13 20 September 2006, SofiaARC FUND, Bulgaria13 Related Web Sites: CORDIS - Community Research& Development Information Service European Technological Platforms 7 Framework Programme

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